Zombie Realism 2.2 Map Pack

Zombie Realism 2.2 Map Pack
By: Damian2452

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THIS MAP REQUIRES T4M TO PLAY. If you don't already have T4M download it below.

T4M Download


Zombie Realism is a mod that adds a full ranking system to around 50 maps!
ALL compatible maps are included in these .exe files in Map Pack.

Instructions :

How to launch a Zombie Realism 2.2 Map in Solo:

You need to open console in game and type ui_mapname [mapname]

to open console use ` (button under esc)

if after click ` (char under esc) console won’t open , you have to enter in :

Option & Controls / game oprtions / and set enable console = yes,

for example :

ui_mapname dead_sand_elite

and press enter , after this game will set this map

open console , type : map [mapname]

for example :
map nazi_zombie_subway and press enter

after this map will be loaded

 How to launch a Zombie Realism 2.2 Map in Coop:
– Go to MODs at main menu
– Then launch ZombieRealism_mapPACK4
– Go to host online / game setup and select CAMPAIGN MODE.
– Then scroll down and you will see a giant list of zombie maps to choose from.

(ALL the Zombie Realism 2.2 maps are stored within the Zombie_Realism MapPack4 mod)

Included Maps:

Zombie Realism 2.2

* nazi_zombie_afterwar_mw
* nazi_zombie_anzio
* nazi_zombie_cimetiere
* nazi_zombie_cor
* nazi_zombie_demise
* nazi_zombie_doom
* nazi_zombie_fruchurch
* nazi_zombie_frumansion
* nazi_zombie_fruxtreme
* nazi_zombie_gould
* nazi_zombie_hm
* nazi_zombie_labo
* nazi_zombie_rage
* nazi_zombie_subway
* nazi_zombie_the_river
* nazi_zombie_tun
* nazi_zombie_western
* chemplant_elite_v2.01
* dead_sand_elite
* nazi_zombie_berlinbank_v2
* nazi_zombie_bonzai
* nazi_zombie_const
* nazi_zombie_corrosion
* nazi_zombie_hq
* nazi_zombie_killzone revisited v1.1
* nazi_zombie_rage2_v2
* nazi_zombie_ufso
* nuclear_silo
* simpsons
* nazi_zombie_abandon
* nazi_zombie_col
* nazi_zombie_creek
* nazi_zombie_dawn2
* nazi_zombie_doom3x
* nazi_zombie_op4
* nazi_zombie_aitest
* nazi_zombie_bar
* nazi_zombie_corrosion
* nazi_zombie_frurathaus
* nazi_zombie_higher
* nazi_zombie_island
* nazi_zombie_sb
* nazi_zombie_villa2
* nazi_zombie_zct_bsmnt
* nazi_zombie_zct_bunker
* nazi_zombie_zct_castle
* nazi_zombie_zct_dhouse
* nazi_zombie_zct_dshack
* nazi_zombie_zenith
* Zombie_Rich




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