Vendetta’s House II

Vendetta's House II
By: eMoX MaNgA

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Welcome to my new map, this one is an reimagined and extended version of the real Vendetta’s House with new stuff like BO4 weapons, new areas etc !

Map content : !! WARNING, Copyright musics are in the JUKEBOX so be carefull of playing theses musics !! -INSPECT (Hold F to inspect, work on supported weapons) -JUKEBOX (You can choose the musics you want to play in a menu) -CUSTOM DEATHMACHINE WEAPON (MWR Minigun) -CHANGED WEAPONS IN MAGIC BOX -CHANGED ZOMBIES MODEL (Shangri-La) -PERKS : Revive, DoubleTap, Speed Cola, Jugg, PHD, Staminup, Cherry, Mule Kick) -UNLIMITED PERKS SLOTS -CHANGED PERKS AND POWERUP ICONS (BO4 Style) -CUSTOM PERKS PREFAB (Like the bottles are in an ice bucket) -END GAME (Cost 50k Points) -CUSTOM WEAPONS WALLBUYS PREFABS (Like the weapon are on a table or something, no white glowing thing anymore) -PAP CAMOS CHANGED (Cherry Fizz) -PORTED WEAPONS (All MWR one with inspect anims, thanks to TheSkyeLord) -ALL LANGUAGE SUPPORT -ZOMBIES CHRONICLES SOUNDS -THE GIANT VOXES -RICHTOFEN ANNOUNCER -LOADING SCREEN


Sorry for my English (im French), if you have bugs, suggestions or if you enjoy the map let me know in the comments section ! Special thanks to (If i forgot you in crédits, sorry and let me know so i can add you) : Mapping : Me (eMoX MaNgA) Scripts : lilrobot – NateSmithZombies – HarryBO21 – Symbo – Zeroy Weapons : Me (eMoX MaNgA) – TheSkyeLord – Zeroy – Off The Grid Art : Jaguar 115 (Loadscreen, logo etc.) – Robit (Perk/powerup icons) Misc : Clix – mindmirror – Deadnaut – Frost IceForge – Scobalula – TrueGamerCalls – Erthrock

The map include many custom stuf so im sorry for the big map file XD



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