Last Man Standing S3 Ep.6 – Arena

Last Man Standing S3 Ep.6 - Arena

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Welcome to my NEW map !

This map is part of a series im working on with Tim Hansen and this first episode of SEASON III, the concept is 2-4 players, one player in each area and the last standing win!

SEASON III feature a brand new ready up players system, spawning Perks (with increasing cost per buy) and PaP !

Version : 1.0 —CONTENT— -PaP -Buyable Perk -Player ready system -No revive -No respawn at the end round in coop -End Game when one last is standing in coop -Timed Gameplay style -A random perk powerup at the start -BO4 Hitmarker -BO3 Weapons + DLC -Buyable Max Ammo -Victis crew


—CRÉDITS— (If i forgot you in crédits, sorry and let me know !) : Mapping : eMoX MaNgA. Scripting/LUA : eMoX MaNgA (All map system), Clix/robit (BO4 Hitmarker), UGX (Base Timed Gameplay codes), Clix (Additional help and support). Weapons : ElTitoPricus, eMoX MaNgA, robit, Skyelord (Various CoD Ports). Art : eMoX MaNgA (Map artwork) – robit (Perk Icon BO4 Style). Testers: Tim Hansen, Turbo, MrLextify, krazyrabbit. Tools : Treyarch (Mod tools) – Porter (Kronos, Wraith) – id-daemon (Wraith) – Scobalula (Hydrax and Greyhound). Misc : Clix (Blocking arrow fx), ThomasCat (Ultimis Characters), Madgaz (Asylum model pack).

Sorry for my English (im French), if you have bugs, suggestions or if you enjoy the map let me know in the comments section !


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