By: Sgt.Maj Tyger

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1. Dawnville

Map Created by Sgt.Maj Tyger

Details: This is a remake of Dawnville from Call of Duty.
I hope I got it as close as it was in the original game.

~~~~~Install Instructions:~~~~
Must enable showing hidden folders for this to work.
Install for XP:
extract folder to C:\Documents and Settings\YourName\Local Settings\Application Data\Activision\CoDWaW\mods

To Play:
Start game in single Player or Co-Op
Launch cod mod

After mod launches:

Bring down console ( ` <– Thing next to 1)
/map dawn
press enter
map should load

This map can play in co-op as well as single player( I hope ).
Sorry the ending is so final.



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