Nazi Zombie Eq Well

Nazi Zombie Eq Well
By: shadowvenom

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My first map, nothing special, i basically just tried out a handful of features to get me started and i learned alot of mapping techniques from alot of sources such as zm/youtube etc while making my map.  

This was going to be a themed map and there would have been a follow up map but as i went along and learnt new ways of doing things i had much bigger, better, more complex ideas and therefore it sort of changed to more of a standard survival map.

My first proper map is well under way, the detail gone into it go well above and beyond this map but it is going to take a good year or so to complete due to its immense size.  For now enjoy killing as many zombies as you can!!

hope you enjoy


4 standard perks
No PaP
Der riese scripts (no filthy mutts)
5 Hit jugger
Custom zombies
Moving Random box
Custom Chalk (look up slightly (difficult to see))
4 door triggers: door 1 – Look at the rocks scattered on the ground inside the well.
                         door 2 – Hidden floor panel in far right corner as you go into the room
                         door 3 – Deathcard
                         door 4 – Wall panel far right corner of the room as you go in

Known bugs: Strange invisible wall issue above the door frames that i couldn’t solve for some reason (hardly noticeable unless looking)
                     Browning sounds messed up
Beta Testing

Xpliciit (myself)


Since this is my first map i dunno how crediting people involved goes but this is credits to the people that posted tutorials on youtube that helped me to create my map and future maps mainly, and also credits to the people on zm forums that may have helped me either through me posting an issue or me reading some of the issues on the forums.

ZK (ZombieKillr) – Getting started Tut
                          –  No Dogs Tut
                          – Reskin zombies Tut
                          – Risers Tut
                          – 3 hit jugger fix Tut
                          – Buyable sliding door Tut/ Buyable debris Tut
                          – Custom chalk Tut

Treminaor – Risers Tut

BlackJackJonnyy – Detail Tut

MegaHackerZzZ – Lighting Tut

Everyone at ZM

Tom_Bmx – For his iwi/dds converter which helped in making custom textures/zombies

NGT//Yoteslaya for inspiring me to start playing custom zombies on PC + as an extension of that inspire me to start mapping myself!


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