Zombie Dollhouse

Zombie Dollhouse
By: TheRipppa

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How To:

Happy belated Halloween 2018..I had intended to have this done for Halloween, but never got the time. Map is based on The Killing Floor
Toy Master Mod created by David Hensley (with help from Killing Floor originator, Alex Quick). I never played it, but thought it looked cool, so thanks to him and the other creators of toy master I was able to port some of the models and textures into this map.

Map is somewhat small, I had wanted to make bigger with some scripting features..but combination of no time and not knowing to code..this is it lol. Have fun hopefully

11/15 fix few lights that werent working, fixed zone in final room

Map features:

custom dummy zombies-me
soul boxes-MakeCents
attackables-Symbo, Harrybo21, QuentinFTL
no gun box
no dogs
buyable jug,revive,speed cola,dbl tap,stamina
custom round sounds
custom ambient sound-nzs
custom models
buyable ending

Havent tested with others, let me know any issues, I know there are a few spots with low FPS..but shouldnt be bad.

——- Credits ——-

Symbo, Harrybo21, QuentinFTL
natesmith NSZ
David Hensley for his toy master models and textures

IceGrenade for ICE ZM Mod Level, Credit Script, Music Edits, Perk Fixes & Other Sounds
– http://youtube.com/IceGrenade
ZoekMeMaar for helping with ICE ZM Mod Level, CSV fixes & Script cleanup
– https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD2OLl_SLLbQs86hgrWnmYQ
iBounce for BetterPrint Script
– https://www.youtube.com/user/Un1TedBouNceRs
WARDOGSK93 for Wunderfizz, PHD, Vulture & Tombstone Perk Addons + Widows/Cherry setup
– http://aviacreations.com/modme/index.php?view=topic&tid=648
xSanchez78PERKS for WhosWho Perk Addon
– http://aviacreations.com/modme/index.php?view=topic&tid=718
Natesmithzombies for Custom Powerups, Hitmarkers, Perk Change
– http://natesmithzombies.com/releases.html
Erthrocks for Some Guns
– https://www.youtube.com/user/Natecraft25
HarryBo21 for Origin Pack Guns
– http://aviacreations.com/modme/index.php?view=topic&tid=880#post4211
ZeRoY for Various Script Work (Voxes)
– https://www.youtube.com/user/zeroy
Ardivee for difficulty setting + voxes setup
– https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsHO8jNK27KbazYLm3wECTQ
DTZXPorter for Wraith & helping with alias names on voxes
– https://www.youtube.com/user/PorterX2Pro
UGX for Buyable Ending
– https://confluence.ugx-mods.com/display/UGXMODS/BO3+%7C+Adding+Buyable+Ending+to+Zombiemode
CraftDAnimations for Wallbuy Prefab Set
– https://www.youtube.com/user/CraftDAnimation

Missing Credits?… Just send me a msg and I will update it.

BO3 Modding Tutorial Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJUw4s6xsIa6IUFXryOTk0y6maz3luh77



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