Bullen’s Tower

Bullen's Tower
By: Crazy Bullen

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Low Gravity , Weapon Drops , Brutus 4x , 13 Soul Stones , Weapon Reward , Buyable Ammo , Buyable Power-Ups

Rocket Shield – Find the Parts the way to PHD
Mystery Box / Teleporter – Jump into the lightning above Mystery Box to teleport at the bottom fast
Slipping down – If landing on the wooden planks or perks

Right Doors 500+500
Left Doors 2500+Perk = (2500 + Deadshot = 4000)

Missing any Soul Stones – Just take a pick on the stars, if they got 2 rings, the soul Stone isn’t finished, if just one ring, find the others! And your Reward is spawning at the bottom. But no need if you just want to open the doors and win the game, The stones isn’t for Buyable Ending! Just an awesome Weapon Reward and also for make it more challenging.

If you want to donate a small amount, I would be happy and to know you may is grateful for my maps I make for you.

Wall Weapons & Perks

Frag Grenades, Bloodhound, Galvaknuckles, Executioner, Five-Seven, AK74U, MP5, Skorpion EVO, AK-74, LSAT, Galil, KSG, STG-44, Remington New Model Army, M8A1, SCAR-H, Ragnarok DG-4, S12, MG08/15, Remington 870 MCS, PPSh-41, M1216, Ray Gun, KVK 99m.

Quick Revive, Jugger-Nog, Deadshot, PHD, Stamin-Up, Double Tap Root Beer, Electric Cherry, Who’s Who, Mule Kick, Speed Cola, Vulture Aid Elixir, Widow’s Wine, Pack-A-Punch Machine.


Billy Handsome ————— BLACK OPS II “Mob of the Dead”
Sarah Michelle Gellar [SMG] – BLACK OPS I “Call of the Dead”
Michael “Finn” O’Leary ———- BLACK OPS II “Mob of the Dead”
Abigail “Misty” Briarton —- BLACK OPS II “Tranzit”


HarryBo21’s Gun Pack v2.3.0 – alexbgt, NoobForLunch, Sethnorris, Yen466, Lilrifa, Easy?????a, Will Luffey, ProRevenge, DTZxPorter, Zeroy, JBird632, StevieWonder87, BluntStuffy, RedSpace200, thezombieproject, Smasher248, JiffyNoodles, MadGaz, MZSlayer, AndyWhelen, Collie, HitmanVere, ProGamerzFTW, Scobalula, Azsry, GerardS0406, PCModder, IperBreach, TomBMX, Treyarch and Activision, AllModz

HarryBo21’s Perks v2.1.3 – Raptroes, Hubashuba, WillJones1989, alexbgt, NoobForLunch, Symbo, TheIronicTruth, JAMAKINBACONMAN, Sethnorris, Yen466, Lilrifa, Easy?????a, Erthrock, Will Luffey, ProRevenge, DTZxPorter, Zeroy, JBird632, StevieWonder87, BluntStuffy, RedSpace200, Frost Iceforge, thezombieproject, Smasher248, JiffyNoodles, MadGaz, MZSlayer, AndyWhelen, Collie, HitmanVere, ProGamerzFTW, Scobalula, Azsry, GerardS0406, PCModder, IperBreach, TomBMX, Treyarch and Activision, AllModz, TheSkyeLord

NSZ_Brutus_V1.0.4 – lilrifa, Harry Bo21, ZeRoy, ShiftGam3r101, JerriGaming

Credit the one who made Shadow of Evil Teleporter, and also the script for buyable powerup!

Also wanna Credit Icegrenade for an super help in my future maps, with his awesome Tutorials!



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