Sandbox Remaster

Sandbox Remaster
By: Crazy Bullen

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Octogonal Sandstorm coming soon! An Tower-challange in this form!

A Magic-Box Challange Hardcore!

Remaster from the Infinity Sandbox, without the “Infinity” = No perk drops, just 10 non-OP-perk-machines, many bosses, custom Zombie models and Buyable Ending! Everything for you who want a Challange!

Buyable Ending = 115000!


Goliath, Napalm Zombies, Parasites, Non-Stop Zombie Dogs!

Zombie Models

Erthrocks – Shang zombies, Erthrocks – Templar.

Infinite Warfare

EMC, R-VN, Type-2, Trencher, HVR, X-Eon, FHR-40, VPR, Volk, G-rail, Osa, Karma-45, Banshee, Rack-9, DCM-8, Proteus, Titan, Venom-X.

Advanced Warfare

PDW, MP11, Repulsor, STG44, Ohm, CEL-3 Cauterizer, Bulldog, Blunderbuss, Atlas 20mm, Stinger M7.

Black Ops 4

Spitfire, M1927, Maddox RFB, ICR-7, Swordfish, Hitchcock M9, VKM 750, Zweihander, Vendetta.

Black Ops 2 & Ghost & MW3 & Modern Warfare® Remastered

Storm PSR, Chain Saw, M320 GLM, XM25, Deagle,
Deathmachine = Rangers.

Wonder Weapon

Boomhilde, Ray Gun, Ray Gun Mark II

Plz, dont forget to Rate!


If you want to donate a small amount.


Credit to Icegrenade;
Credit to Skye’s & lilrobot; Infinite Warfare, Advanced Warfare, MWR, BO4, WW2, Ghost.
Credit to Harry’s; Perks, Napalm Zombies.
Credit to DTZxPorter, Scobalula, Collie & Zeroy; Custom Playermodels.
Credit to Abnormal202; Snail’s Pace Slurpee & Cryo.
Credit to Kaizokuroof; Salvage Shake.
Credit to Madgaz; Crusaders Ale.
Credit to Kabe; Dog-Non-Stop script.
Credit to Scobulululula; ElRicos & paSH; Tranzit Sprinters. [pashzit_sprinters]
Credit to Erthrocks; Shang & Templar zombies.
Credit to Steviewonder87; Goliath.



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