Mr. Herbert Christmas

Mr. Herbert Christmas
By: TheRipppa

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Merry Christmas 2019

updated: removed the 2 crawler sound files,the floating gift, removed eye glow fx

For the Family Guy fans like myself, hope you have fun with this map. Originally was just going to be a small 2 window Herbert house map, but never got time to finish, so turned it into a bigger christmas map with outdoor access. I didnt make the zombies sounds as herbert but there are triggers that play some of
his funny quotes.

only tested by myself, let me know any issues

Map features:

custom herbert zombies
buyable jug,revive,speed cola,dbl tap,stamina, pap
Nates shootables for perkaholic-15 targets
zombie counter-makecents
custom models
mystery box 3 locations
MakeCents_grow souls 12 grow souls
buyable ending-ugx
limted wall weapons
Icegrenades multi file sound script-contains let it snow(dont step on trigger if not want to be hears, and random herbert sound files.

——- Credits ——-

Symbo, Harrybo21, QuentinFTL
natesmith NSZ
bullen-goliath script…but didnt get a chance to add to map yet

IceGrenade for ICE ZM Mod Level, Credit Script, Music Edits, Perk Fixes & Other Sounds
ZoekMeMaar for helping with ICE ZM Mod Level, CSV fixes & Script cleanup
iBounce for BetterPrint Script
WARDOGSK93 for Wunderfizz, PHD, Vulture & Tombstone Perk Addons + Widows/Cherry setup
xSanchez78PERKS for WhosWho Perk Addon
Natesmithzombies for Custom Powerups, Hitmarkers, Perk Change
Erthrocks for Some Guns
HarryBo21 for Origin Pack Guns
ZeRoY for Various Script Work (Voxes)
Ardivee for difficulty setting + voxes setup
DTZXPorter for Wraith & helping with alias names on voxes
UGX for Buyable Ending
CraftDAnimations for Wallbuy Prefab Set



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