Deadlight Bunker Survival

Deadlight Bunker Survival
By: Bloobyzombie

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This is not one of my challenge maps. I’ve been wanting to do this ever since I built the Bunker in Deadlight. This map Is a Survival map with a Hidden Buyable Ending. Its a challenging survival map featuring Black Ops 1 weapons. NOTE THIS IS A MAP RIPPED FROM MY LARGER MAP DEADLIGHT TO MAKE A FUN CHALLENGING SURVIVAL MAP.

Please if you have not played Deadlight Revamp yet. Please play it before you play this.


MadGaz- Smexy ported models

TheSkyeLord- Weapon porting

Nade Smith Zombies – Kino TP

Mr Waffles- ZC Sounds

Scobalula- Voices on our favorite Primis Boys.

Erthrock- Zombie Models

Pro Revenge- Raygun MKII, Ray Gun rework, Olympia.

Treyarch- Tag Der Toten round sounds and Black Ops III



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