Bullen’s Garden 51

Bullen's Garden 51
By: Crazy Bullen

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Welcome to Bullen’s Garden where almost all weapons are Handguns!
Be prepared to meet the dead (without over rated Assault Rifles!) and fight against non-stop Dogs, Ghosts and Parasites while you fight Brutus too!

Use your points fast to open the doors before the Ghosts take your points away!
You may receive help from Teddy Bears who’s giving you powerups and random weapons. Also be on your guard for the mechanic boss Panzer! You can build the Tranzit Shield, Zetsubou No Shima Shield and Brazen Bull Shield, also you have to find parts to turn on the power before you can buy any perks.

With Mule Kick you can have up to 5 weapons! Very useful, but the bugs, to just got 1 weapon after downed, think about it like You don’t want to be dawned! Even with friends!

Have changed the stats of all the weapons, and also their hits to the Heads.
-V- Hope you enjoy my work and thinking: -V-

The Weapon Stats:
Handgun’s 18, Burst’s 11, Machine Pistol’s 13, SMG’s 6, Semi-Rifle’s 7, Auto-Rifle’s 4, LMG’s 4, Revolver’s 11, Shotgun’s 14, Sniper’s 3, Grenade & Launchers 3.

Handguns = 200 Damage per bullet. 3 hits kill on the Head at round 10.
HandBursts = 240 Damage per bullet. Also M8A1 that is an Assoult Rifle Burst.
Machine Pistol MKI = 80 Damage per bullet. 8 hits kill on the Head at round 10.
Machine Pistol MKII = 140 Damage per bullet. = PDW, ONI, Thompson.
Machine Pistol MKIII = 200 Damage per bullet. = UDM.
Assoult Rifle MKI = 80 Damage per bullet. = AK47, Xeon.
Assoult Rifle MKII = 140/165 Damage per bullet. = Aug, Fedorov.
LMG = 140/240/75 Damage per bullet. = Aug Hbar, HK21, Bren, Zweihander.
Semi Rifle = 550 Damage per bullet. 1 hits kill on the Head at round 10.
Assoult Rifle Burst = 550 Damage per bullet. M16A1, Type95.
Revolver = 1100+ Damage per bullet. One-Two hits kill.
Shotgun = 1500/2000+ Damage per bullet.
Snipers = Ballista, Karabiner 98k with Scope, Karabiner 98k with Iron sight.
Grenade Launcher = Bazooka, War Machine, XM25.

Doubled at pap.

Headshots do 3x as damage. (Had to change every file per weapon. Took time 😉
Zombies = 500HP /+150 per Round (1-10) = 2000HP at lvl 10.
Windows: 65 (Carpenter is a good drop)

Boss & Spawners:
Brutus < Autospawning after Round 1 >
Zombie Dogs < non-stop-spawn >< Round 4+ >< Doubled on Round 10 >
Parasite Rounds < Every 4-5 Rounds >
Buried Ghost < non-stop-spawn >< Round 2+ >
Parasites < non-stop-spawn >< Round 9+ >
Panzer Soldier < Round 7 >< Every 3-4 Rounds afterwards >

Custom & Customed Perks:
Mule Kick: You can have up to 5 Weapons at same time.
PHD Slider You don’t get imunity against explosions, but you will take less damage from it.
BO4 Perk Pack:
Bandolier Bandit, Ethereal Razor, Timeslip, Winters Wail, Blood Wolf Bite.
Ethereal Razor: May be good choice to get rid of zombies fast, Always Insta kills, but don’t give the Melee points. I think it’s fair.

Powerswitch, Tranzit Shield, Zetsubou No Shima Shield, Brazen Bull Shield, Pack-a-Punch.

I found out when they are too many effects going, and you get the buzzy sight by going through Brutu’s smokes, you will get a permanent buzzy sight, but it will dissapear if you go through Brutu’s smokes again. But it have only happen once for me! Hope it doesn’t happen to you at all!


TheSkyLord < Weapon Master > >>>
– got Weapons from MW2, BO1, MW3, BO2, Ghost, AW, IW, MWR, WW2, BO4.

Xhaiil, by importing the < DIY 11 Renovator [Nailgun] > to me.

HarryBo21’s Mechz Zombie v1.0.1 >>>
Raptroes, Hubashuba, WillJones1989, alexbgt, NoobForLunch, Symbo, TheIronicTruth, JAMAKINBACONMAN, Sethnorris, Yen466, Lilrifa, Easyskanka, Erthrock, Will Luffey, ProRevenge, DTZxPorter, Zeroy, JBird632, StevieWonder87, BluntStuffy, RedSpace200, Frost Iceforge, thezombieproject, Smasher248, JiffyNoodles, MadGaz, MZSlayer, AndyWhelen, Collie, HitmanVere, ProGamerzFTW, Scobalula, Azsry, GerardS0406, PCModder, IperBreach, TomBMX, Treyarch and Activision, AllModz, TheSkyeLord

Spiki’s Brutus & Buried Ghosts >>>
Also credit to MyNameIsNobody for helping me with an Error.

Scobalula & Symbo’s PARASITES >>>

PERK PACKs BO3-BO4 & WhosWho >>>
Raptroes, Hubashuba, WillJones1989, alexbgt, NoobForLunch, Symbo, TheIronicTruth, JAMAKINBACONMAN, Sethnorris, Yen466, Lilrifa, Easyskanka, Erthrock, Will Luffey, ProRevenge, DTZxPorter, Zeroy, JBird632, StevieWonder87, BluntStuffy, RedSpace200, Frost Iceforge, thezombieproject, Smasher248, JiffyNoodles, MadGaz, MZSlayer, AndyWhelen, Collie, HitmanVere, ProGamerzFTW, Scobalula, Azsry, GerardS0406, PCModder, IperBreach, TomBMX, Treyarch and Activision, AllModz, TheSkyeLord, Joshwoocool, Quentin, M5_Prodigy, NGcaudle

ZoekMeMaar: For the Idea, scripting, made the model, custom vox & Fx making!
Marksman 147: For mental support, and help on the model!
NateSmithZombies: for the original script and his work!
HarryBo21: for a function in Nate’s original script!

ZoekMeMaar for the idea and the work on the script!
NateSmithZombies for the original script and his work!
HarryBo21 for a function in Nate’s script!
IceGrenade for making me a awesome model!

NSZ Powerups & Hitmark >>>

Craftables >>>
– Harrybo21 – Craftables Template
– Lilrifa – Scripting/LUA
– MiKeY – Gas Mask Scripting
– ZeRoY – Scripting
– Scobalula – Greyhound/HydraX
– DTZxPorter
– Treyarch

And Credit to >>>

KillJoy < A big Support Pro >
SmokieMcPotter < MapTester >
Icegrenade < Tutorial Pro & True Support >
Uptownpapi25 < Tutorial Pro & Key Kard >
ProRevenge < Pro Mark2>

Credit Sound:
Doug Maxwell/Media Right Productions – Lost In The Forest

Lilcobaine – Let It Play – https://soundcloud.com/lilcobaine/let-it-play-prod-james-royo

Other Bullen’s Maps:
Bullen’s Tower: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1648809015
SpaceZombie: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1336409713

If you want to donate a small amount.

Support Channel:
Spuddley – Channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXqG8EJVUuCpKLiMCQh3T9w
Icegrenade – Channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ_8W98N-a4Ixb0swodTjwA
Symbo – Channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuZ-sIjGf7yePxvzFBvwIyA
Sphynx – Channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxix5rgItx41dAUo35myo5g

Support Discord:
Icegrenade’s Discord: https://icegrenade.co.uk/discord

To submit a Record; you must link a full length video of your gameplay,
and do not approve if you have used Perkaholic from Bubblegum!



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