The Second Gift (Atnas)

The Second Gift (Atnas)
By: Alerion

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A squad of four has been sent to investigate a factory-hall previously owned by a company called a(h)tna(ma)s.
Even though nobody had bought the facility after the company went bankrupt nearby residents stated that it seemed like somebody had still been working there.
But it never bothered anyone so no further action was taken.
Close to Christmas however more startling reports arrive accounting faint weird screams and mysterious lights, which don’t fit the festive mood.
To eliminate the threat mentioned group force-opens the main gate and enters the old big hall.
However, before they could take any action they faint as some thick smelly kind of gas escapes through the newly created gap.
As the group awakes it notices two things: they are captured in some kind of containers and surrounded by factory-staff which seems to have grown rabid.
Can you help them find out what happened there and lead them to an escape?

– UGX-Mod (of course)
– snowy/Icy models and textures
– non-casual way to get out of the first room(s)
– some custom scripts (for moving brushes, players etc.)
– Zombie-Counter
– Customized lighting
– a buyable ending

– Treyarch & Activision
– Especially SparkyMcSparks for most of the custom textures
– The UGX-team
– YouAlwaysWin for the great opportunity
– TomBmx For his helpful tools
– ZK (damn your good tutorials)
– JR for the Zombie-Counter
– shippuden1592 for the zombie models
– alzan12 for the End-game



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