Hardhat Zombies

Hardhat Zombies
Version: 2.1 By: Noize

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Hardhat zombies

— Background story —

After the massive attack from makarov, the workers cleared up the mess and started to work once again on the building. In 2020, this facility will be the location for training the army to prevent an attack on the united sates of america after makarov tried to rule the world.

But, the nasty chemical bombs caused that the ground and all food supplies where poisened. They turned into some kind of crackheads that only thinks of one thing in their mind. Your flesh and blood. The site is abondend ever since untill today.

Fight your way trough the hordes, looking for the 3 blue switches. After that, make sure you get the F#ck out of there soldier. There is no time to sit back and relax on this mission, They will come from anywhere.

— Ingame addons —

– Small EE ( You need to find the 7 blue switches. Easy to find as they come in a certain order. )
– Buyable Wonder Weapon ( wunder, thunder and raygun )
– Buildable Dragonshield ( and upgradeable ) ( harrybo21 )
– Perks ( HarryBo21 )
– Wallbuys ( harrybo21 & CrafftDAnimations )
– Map design ( asus51 on Gamebanana. Please note: This map was designed for WaW ) And majorly redesigned for zombies by me ( GamingHQ )
– Buyable end ( 50.000 points ) ( script by CrafftDAnimations )
– Credits annoucer ( NateSmithZombies ( NSZ ) )
– Black ops 2 guns, waw guns and Black ops 1 as well for the normal Black ops 3 guns. ( Harrybo21 )
– Soulchests
– NEW! Added 5 Traps ( acid trap, fan trap, fire trap, chain and the gun turret. ( all costs 1000 ) ( harrybo21 and synmo )

— shoutout and thankyou —
A special shoutout to my fans and community members for supporting me. I’m happy with the support i get from you. A shoutout to HarryBO21 for explaining me how to edit something and the proper explenations of how to proper add his addons in the map.

A shoutout to icegranade as well, he kept pushing me and it worked. After many fails and trowbacks, i finnaly maneged to release my first mod. Thankyou for keeping faith it me, even i’m not one of the best modders in the world.

— Before you going to post something as reaction on the map, u should know the following up —
Everyone is always having their questions. Here are some of them.

– OMG, my mom can even mod better then you. – I’m not a great modder, But i try to learn more each day. Flaming doenst help me further but supporting me does. ( more info below )
– This aint hardhat dude – Sorry, but look closely to the mid section of the map while pointing your gun to the ”sand section” where the pipeline would be there. ( wassnt able to get zombies trough it for some reason. i needed to delete that section and recreate something else )
– Will you do bugfixes? Yes, when a major bug would be presented, ill take action.
– Are there any bugs confirmed? Yes, the list shall be under this section.
– How many perks can i have? 10 perks

— known bugs —

Vulture aids is so loud, even my ears bleeds
wunderfizz is way to loud.
Some guns are not working correctly. For example, someone shoots with the hamr while i from the other side of the map hears the same as its standing next to me )
Soul chests reward does not work correctly. Sound FX keeps hanging.

— Visual Easter EGG —
This can be found while being on the top floor of the middle building. You wont miss it. ( map got released! )

— Promote your released maps —

If you are interested, you can let us place your mod on our website. The only thing we will need is the steam workshop link to your black ops 3 mod or any other mod related to games that does not harm the community members. We will provide a goodlooking page with the information that’s listed on your steam workshop item as well for other information you provide us in the email. Visit our website today and find out more benefits of the community.

— Contribution to new maps or released maps —

Did i made something and you are like, dude are u drunk? Please provide me the needed information to fix this problem. You will be credited ofc.

Join our discord and let us know if you find any bugs or if you have any suggestions.

Visit our website and stay updated about more then just zombies. Join giveaways, events, searching for new releases or who knows you might be a hardbass junkie. We got it all.


—- Q&A —-

Q: Do i need to add the link to this map on my youtube channel?
A: Yes

Q: Can i reuse this map for something else?
A: no, the map is made by me and EZZOCORBI so only me and he are allowed to reuse the map.

Q: Get rid of the timed gameplay
A: nope


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