The Cube Ops II

Cube Ops II
By: Crazy Bullen

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How something like removing walls, can change this much about a gameplay 😉

Feed the Tbears before you can Escape,
Open up the Levels with the Switcher in the middle,
And don’t be afraid from falling in the holes, you spawn back in the middle!

Good Luck 😉


Floyd Campbell ————— BLACK OPS III “Shadows of Evil”
Jessica Rose – BLACK OPS III “Shadows of Evil”
Nero Blackstone —- BLACK OPS III “Shadows of Evil”
Takeo Masaki ———- BLACK OPS II “Origins”


This map was created from Cube Ops I to change the full gameplay from rooms, to open place. This map can be a lot difficulty but easy to open up the map!

Made custom Wallbuys, hope you like it.

SpaceZombie [Tower Defence]

Wait for 10 days and you’ll see my Remake of SpaceZombie [Tower Defence] ! Renamed “TD” !


HarryBo21’s Gun Pack v2.3.0 – alexbgt, NoobForLunch, Sethnorris, Yen466, Lilrifa, Easy?????a, Will Luffey, ProRevenge, DTZxPorter, Zeroy, JBird632, StevieWonder87, BluntStuffy, RedSpace200, thezombieproject, Smasher248, JiffyNoodles, MadGaz, MZSlayer, AndyWhelen, Collie, HitmanVere, ProGamerzFTW, Scobalula, Azsry, GerardS0406, PCModder, IperBreach, TomBMX, Treyarch and Activision, AllModz

HarryBo21’s Perks v2.1.3 – Raptroes, Hubashuba, WillJones1989, alexbgt, NoobForLunch, Symbo, TheIronicTruth, JAMAKINBACONMAN, Sethnorris, Yen466, Lilrifa, Easy?????a, Erthrock, Will Luffey, ProRevenge, DTZxPorter, Zeroy, JBird632, StevieWonder87, BluntStuffy, RedSpace200, Frost Iceforge, thezombieproject, Smasher248, JiffyNoodles, MadGaz, MZSlayer, AndyWhelen, Collie, HitmanVere, ProGamerzFTW, Scobalula, Azsry, GerardS0406, PCModder, IperBreach, TomBMX, Treyarch and Activision, AllModz, TheSkyeLord

HarryBo21 & Symbo’s Turret Trap v1.0.0 – HarryBo21 & Symbo

IceGrenade’s Template & Zone Scripts, also got much help from him from all his Tutorials!

Will also thank Kaizokuroof from an big help with the Switcher!



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