Toy Zombies – Hardcore

Toy Zombies - Hardcore
By: TheRipppa

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Harder version with dogs and HarryBo21’s Shrieker Zombie, dogs non stop spawn after round 8..soemtimes the dog rounds seem to last forever til the zombies respawn, HeyBeavis45 is helping me with another dog script, if i get it working ill update. I also wanted to convert buzz lightyear model as the panzer, would have fun..

Made this map for fun and to play around with different parts of mod tools and others scripts I hadnt tried yet. (see credits)

Its a Toy soldiers style map, reskinned the zombies to look like plastic german soldiers. Converted and reskinned models, converted MOH player skins into the
german toy soldiers.

Yes, i know there are 9000 lego and mario maps, this is meant to be like your in a kids rooms, with toys..hence some lego and mario themed stuff.

Map contains:

custom textures and models
jumpads (RedSpace200-thanks)
teleporter (Natesmithzombies thanks)
unlimted perks

10 random shootable targets for PAP(Thanks MakeCents for the help with your script) Some targets are out of bounds, look carefully
Growl souls for buyable ending (MakeCents-thanks)

And thanks MakeCents,ZeRoY, willjones1989 and whoever else helped me with questions on discord


HarryBo21’s Shrieker Zombie


for dog spawn script

MakeCents shootable EE script

IceGrenade for ICE ZM Mod Level, Credit Script, Music Edits, Perk Fixes & Other Sounds
ZoekMeMaar for helping with ICE ZM Mod Level, CSV fixes & Script cleanup
iBounce for BetterPrint Script
WARDOGSK93 for Wunderfizz, PHD, Vulture & Tombstone Perk Addons + Widows/Cherry setup
xSanchez78PERKS for WhosWho Perk Addon
Natesmithzombies for Custom Powerups, Hitmarkers, Perk Change,amb sound
Erthrocks for Some Guns
HarryBo21 for Origin Pack Guns
ZeRoY for Various Script Work (Voxes)
Ardivee for difficulty setting + voxes setup
DTZXPorter for Wraith & helping with alias names on voxes
UGX for Buyable Ending
CraftDAnimations for Wallbuy Prefab Set
Pastebin-easter egg script


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