Rooftop Rescue

Rooftop Rescue
By: Scooter

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Set in Left 4 Dead 2’s 8th Campaign(Left 4 Dead’s 1st campaign), survive to the top of Mercy Hospital, and call in the News Chopper 5 pilot to retrieve the survivors from the rooftop to escape the hordes of infected!

Custom Characters
Custom Boss
Custom Zombies
Custom Guns
Custom HUD
Custom Game Finale
Music EE
Custom Perk
Custom “Wonder Weapon”

Hordes of zombies come at frequent, yet inconsistent times, so it’s best to not stay in the spawn for too long.
Double press your “Use” Button in order to toggle your flashlight.
M60, Rayguns(mark 1 and 2), Chainsaw, and shotguns do increased damage against the Tank.
Seems like it wasn?t obvious enough, but the gun cases around the map(i.e. below the staircase outside of spawn, or right next to the enterance to the elevator shaft) are wall weapons.



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