Zombie Ottawa

Zombie Ottawa
By: DarkRapture

You’ve awoken to the sounds of loud screams and moans coming from the walls to find mysterious fire holes have appeared through out your home along with an army of undead creatures desperately trying to break through and tear the flesh from your bones!

This is not the big New Years Eve everyone had planned!

Fortunately for you there appears to be powers at here work other than the forces of evil and a glimmer of hope has emerged in the form of bright lights on the roof, eerie messages scribbled on walls and a mysterious wooden box has magically appeared in one of the upstairs bedrooms.

Your mission is clear; fight your way through the zombie hoards and make your way up to the roof and stop this hellish invasion before it’s too late!

In this map, salvation truly lies above.
[info]Minimum of 2 players recommended[/info]

*ZCT Mod (v1.0) – Different zombie types, increased/tiered difficultly, 7 perks, more power ups, share guns from the random box, etc…
*Unique zombie storyline arch set in today’s time frame, completely separate from Treyarch’s Nazi zombie storyline
*Lots and lots of custom edited ZCT Hell zombies (at least double the amount you find in normal stock maps)
*Fast moving game (no slow start – zombies come thick and fast from beginning to end)
*More special FX then your eyes can handle
*Both droppable and buyable perks
*Bigger and wider selection of weapons which include DP28, Type99 MG, STG-44 Scoped, Thompson Scoped, FG42 Scoped, PPSH Scoped, Pack a Punch guns, 4 new Ray Guns and a few Dark Guns will also make their appearance (making a total of 4 sets of guns to use through out the map instead of the usual one set)
*Pack a Punch Random Box
*Objective game play
*Easter eggs / secret area’s
*3 random weapon box locations
*Final boss battle accompanied with 4 new Dark Ray Guns
*Choice of going to the roof and ending the game (time trial mode) or ignore the roof completely and continue to fight endless waves.
*This allows for 2 types of competitive game play; who can best the map in the least amount of levels and who can survive the most waves before dying or a combination of the two; who can survive the most waves AND still defeat the boss?! (Remember the boss round gets harder / larger in number as the rounds progress, so if someone ever posts a victory screen shot at level 30, i’d be stunned!)
*+ A lot of small changes and adjustments that are too many in number to list here but you will certainly notice during game play such as custom weapon place holders (a lot better than weapon chalk outlines) ;) 

Mapping by: Darkrapture
Scripting by: Tom_bmx
Map idea’s by: Darkflame



UGX Cabin

UGX Cabin
Version: 1.1 By: W1NG3D

Jam-packed with all the good stuff from version 1.0, but with additional bug fixes and brand new features, you’d be unwise to miss out on downloading 1.1!

Due to popular demand, a new ‘Difficulty’ option has been added for SP and Co-Op modes. This mode can be set on the main menu for SP, and in the Server Config screen for Co-Op lobbies. The difficulty is now displayed on the GAME OVER screen. Difficulties added are ‘Easy’, ‘Original’, and ‘INSANE’.

Easy: Majority of zombies run at Der Riese speed (roughly half the speed of normal Cabin runners), weapons are swapped instead of lost in SP.

Original: Zombies run at full speed, weapons are lost when swapped in SP, less time given after 1st cutscene before zombies spawn.

INSANE: Same as original, but with a few additions: Weapons are not swappable in any mode, even less time is given after first cutscene, barriers are more expensive, less health in all modes, no points for hitmarkers, only kills.

Respawn bug with ranked players has been fixed. No longer will ranked players spawn with no weapon.
Respawn bug with spawning at level start instead of with alive players has been fixed.
Fixed a zone bug that caused wave skipping.
Fixed a bug where if not all players were present to start the Trader cutscene, vox would loop and the game would not progress.
Intermission has been added to the first cutscene to prevent being overwhelmed by zombies before you are able to leave the room.
“G_FindConfigstringIndex: overflow (381): ‘17493’” error has been resolved.



Nazi Zombie Carentan

Nazi Zombie Carentan
By: techno2sl & cobbspur

Call of Duty: World at War – Nazi Zombie Carentan Map

Carentan is a medium sized ‘ghost town’ style map for the Nazi Zombie Experience mod. The map features 5 buildings to defend and several outdoor areas. There are several easter eggs in the map that have the potential to help the players out, you just have to find them… You can mount the HMG bipods in certain areas around the town, look out for them!

Watch for windows that don’t have shutters or wooden boards, these windows have special functions, so chances are you can mount a bipod there, jump out to safety.. (or a broken leg) or the zombies will be using them.




Nazi Zombie Auschwitz

Nazi Zombie Auschwitz
Version: Beta By: lilstiffy69

Auschwitz 90% complete!

I am working on a new map called auschwitz.Auschwitz was a death camp controlled by the nazis during world war 2.This is going to be my first map released on zombie modding. The map is prototype and it includes the zct mod with it brainfood1

Note:The name is not meant to offended anyone. sorry if you are offended by the name i might just change the name of the map.The map looks nothing like the real deathcamp.

things included in my map are
-thunder and heavy rain
-mamy,many weapons:mw guns,campain guns,and guns from der rise maps!!
-zct mw mod  :26:
-10 buyable perks with custom machines (zombies dont drop power ups)
-Music player
-modified zommbies with hardened diffuculty.
-custom perk machines
-random ammo box that spawns at random places
-buyable power ups!
-and secerts and easter eggs! (which i wont tell) :lipsrsealed: and much more to come!!! dance1
(sorry its taking too long for me to make the map,psn is finally up so i dont have as much time to make the map  )

ok i am sorry for the long wait on the map,i was unable to work on my map because my cod waw all the sudden started working slow but,now it runs well

New things added to the map
1.zombie risers
2.”final stand area” ( path nodes still need some tweaking)
3.buyable ending
4.more areas and buyable rooms added! ( path nodes still need some tweaking)
5.Friendly Al’s
6.Toms gambler prefab (which still needs work)
7.And custom new zombie skins!!!




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