Nazi Zombie Movie Theater

Nazi Zombie Movie Theater
By: FinalKill9175

Hello Zombie Modding, this is my first zombies map I have made, and it’s theme is a movie theater. There are 9 rooms, a buy able ending, black ops perks, weapons, and solo quick revive, and my own perk called ‘octa-perk’. Octa-Perk allows for you to have 8 or more perks, and without it you are limited to 4 perks. The perk machines will also rotate (courtesy of M.A.K.E CENTS) at the beginning of every match, and rotate with the mystery box. 

Special Thanks to:

-ZK for his great youtube tutorials.
-Anybody who helped with ideas & testing.
-M.A.K.E CENTS for his great prefabs and scripts.
-BAMSKATER for his BO perk tuts and prefabs.

I would LOVE to see gameplay of this map, as it would be appreciated. 
***If any bugs are found please leave a comment.
Known Bugs:
– One of the barriers may be un-repairable.

Current Version: v1.0
-Added the dragunov and the m72 law, and changed the starting grenade to the sticky grenade.
-Added power drops, it does not include max ammo.
-Fixed many bugs
– First map


Bunker 1965

Bunker 1965
By: thebeast2365

Warning, Tip, Notice, or Information.

It seems there are game breaking bugs/issues with this map that will not allow you to complete the Easter Egg.  If you are able to beat the Easter Egg, please comment below if you have finished this Easter Egg.

Also using the Fire Staff has been said to break the map.


As many of you know The Bunker, my first map that I released in August was a buggy piece of s**t that I am ashamed of. I have been meaning to fix it and create an update for the map but with school and other projects I haven’t had any time. So I have decided to return to the project now to finish it and re-release under a new name. The Bunker 1965 features all the bug fixes for bugs present in the original, it features slight layout changes to the map, as well as balancing features for many weapons (staffs?). It also features almost entirely new texturing for the map, improved lighting and a completely redone pathing system for the zombies. This map will also feature the original easter egg with improvements to help with glitches. Again I apologize for the state of the original bunker but I am hoping this new version will make up for it. 



Zombie Cargo

Zombie Cargo
Version Beta By: FreeFall

This is my second map and it is a complete zombies remake of the BO2 multiplayer map, Cargo. It is a 1:1 replica and it is just like the original map with new areas to explore.

9 Perks
BO2 weapons with a few MW guns
Kino Style Teleporter
Expanded map and hidden rooms
80 FOV
Rain FX and Rain SFX
Custom PAP camo
DoubleTap 2.0
A unique way to obtain perk slots
Zombie Counter
Buyable Ending
Nuketown Zombie Models

Weapon list:
( I’ve spent countless hours on these guns trying my best to make sure that they are just like their originals)

Black Ops 2

Modern Warfare 2
Desert Eagle

Modern Warfare 3
ACR 6.8

Wonder Weapons
Ray Gun Mark2

Treyarch (original map design)
thezombiekilla6 (tons of help with weapons,scripting and beta testing)
PROxFTW (scripting help, beta tester)
DidUknowiPwn (beta tester, weapons assets)
Chromastone10 (beta tester)
rdvlpr (scripting help, beta tester)
Billybob217 (beta tester)
conn6orsuper117 (beta tester)
Tom_BMX (Lime)
Cod_neñe (scavenger script)
jei9363 (BO perks)
JR-Imagine (buildable script)
ConvictioNDR (doubletap 2 script)
Aidan (kino teleporter)
Metroman260 (zombie models)
Everyone at CFGfactory for the weapons
All UGX Members who helped me make this map

Enjoy the map!



Minecraft Village

Minecraft Village
Version: 1.2 By: F3ARxReaper666

this is my first map so please go easy  :D

welcome to the (not so) little minecraft styled village over run with zombies! not really much else to say about it  :P
this map was made in about one and a half weeks so it probably has bugs so please pm or post below and i will update ASAP


no dogs
easter egg song
17 perks (7 custom perks, have fun figuring them out :P )
der wunderfizz
imported weapons (papable but without camo or lasers)
MOTD styled zombies
buyable ending
solo quick revive
double tap 2.0
custom power-ups

v1.1 updates:

better vulture aid (smoke apears and can find custom perks)
custom perks and cherry obey the limit
soul boxes (trust me its worth it!)
doesn’t crash when restarting
updated custom perk icons (only for the ones i thought looked too bad)
zombie counter 

v1.2 update (hopefully the last one)
more buildings
custom perks now appear in the wunderfizz
custom perk bottle drink animations on custom perks
LOTS of new weapons in the box
bigger nether


credits: (all stated also in map opening credits)

bamskater33 for bo1&2 perks as well as MOTD zombies
OnlineX420 for the minecraft textures
Zombie madness aka rorke for the gun imports
WARDOGSK93 for the increasing perk limit  ;)
ZOMB1E-KLLR aka ZK for his map making tutorials

Zombie Realism 2.2 Map Pack

Zombie Realism 2.2 Map Pack
By: Damian2452

THIS MAP REQUIRES T4M TO PLAY. If you don't already have T4M download it below.

T4M Download


Zombie Realism is a mod that adds a full ranking system to around 50 maps!
ALL compatible maps are included in these .exe files in Map Pack.

Instructions :

How to launch a Zombie Realism 2.2 Map in Solo:

You need to open console in game and type ui_mapname [mapname]

to open console use ` (button under esc)

if after click ` (char under esc) console won’t open , you have to enter in :

Option & Controls / game oprtions / and set enable console = yes,

for example :

ui_mapname dead_sand_elite

and press enter , after this game will set this map

open console , type : map [mapname]

for example :
map nazi_zombie_subway and press enter

after this map will be loaded

 How to launch a Zombie Realism 2.2 Map in Coop:
– Go to MODs at main menu
– Then launch ZombieRealism_mapPACK4
– Go to host online / game setup and select CAMPAIGN MODE.
– Then scroll down and you will see a giant list of zombie maps to choose from.

(ALL the Zombie Realism 2.2 maps are stored within the Zombie_Realism MapPack4 mod)

Included Maps:

Zombie Realism 2.2

* nazi_zombie_afterwar_mw
* nazi_zombie_anzio
* nazi_zombie_cimetiere
* nazi_zombie_cor
* nazi_zombie_demise
* nazi_zombie_doom
* nazi_zombie_fruchurch
* nazi_zombie_frumansion
* nazi_zombie_fruxtreme
* nazi_zombie_gould
* nazi_zombie_hm
* nazi_zombie_labo
* nazi_zombie_rage
* nazi_zombie_subway
* nazi_zombie_the_river
* nazi_zombie_tun
* nazi_zombie_western
* chemplant_elite_v2.01
* dead_sand_elite
* nazi_zombie_berlinbank_v2
* nazi_zombie_bonzai
* nazi_zombie_const
* nazi_zombie_corrosion
* nazi_zombie_hq
* nazi_zombie_killzone revisited v1.1
* nazi_zombie_rage2_v2
* nazi_zombie_ufso
* nuclear_silo
* simpsons
* nazi_zombie_abandon
* nazi_zombie_col
* nazi_zombie_creek
* nazi_zombie_dawn2
* nazi_zombie_doom3x
* nazi_zombie_op4
* nazi_zombie_aitest
* nazi_zombie_bar
* nazi_zombie_corrosion
* nazi_zombie_frurathaus
* nazi_zombie_higher
* nazi_zombie_island
* nazi_zombie_sb
* nazi_zombie_villa2
* nazi_zombie_zct_bsmnt
* nazi_zombie_zct_bunker
* nazi_zombie_zct_castle
* nazi_zombie_zct_dhouse
* nazi_zombie_zct_dshack
* nazi_zombie_zenith
* Zombie_Rich




Discovery Island

Discovery Island
By: CreepersAreEpic

WARNING: Any glitches must, I repeat, MUST be reported to me, whether it be in a PM or a comment. Thank you.

Discovery Island

“Welcome to Disney’s Discovery Island! A very zombiefied zoological park…”

Hi there I’m Ping998! Thank you for viewing my new map! There is a few things I want to say first: Yes, this map is based from the actual Disney’s Discovery Island which was abandoned in 1999 due to…reasons.These reasons consist of the fact that a dangerous type of amoeba was found in the waters of Bay Lake, this disease attacks the brain and has around a 95% fatality rate – and no, I’m NOT making this up! So I thought: “Hey! What a good excuse for a zombie map!”. So this is what I made.This isn’t a replica of Discovery Island, due to the fact that VERY little images of the island exists. Take my advice though, DON’T GO THERE IN REAL LIFE! It’s EXTREMELY dangerous and against the law so don’t!

The map is based 3 years exactly after its closure in 1999, on the 8th of April, 2002.


1. Find and activate all three power switches
2. Find and activate all hidden perk doors
3. Gain all 9 perks
(Optional) 4. Complete all soul chests
5. Unlock the tomb
6. Buy the ending


|Black Ops Weapons
|Black Ops 2 Weapons
|A VERY special gun reward (After completion of soul chests)
|Black Ops Perks (Mule Kick, Staminup, PHD Flopper, Deadshot Daiquiri)
|World at War Perks (Quick Revive, Speed Cola, Juggernog)
|Double Tap 2.0 (DOUBLES THE ROF/DAMAGE, Costs 3500 points)
|Typwriter Intro
|3 Power Switches
|Some WaW weapons (Walther P38 and Thompson w/ drum mag)
|Soul Chests (4 of them)
|Buyable ammo for current weapon (Costs 2500 points)
|Pack-A-Punch Camo (Made by ReclusiveShade and modified by me)
|Buyable ending (Costs 41150 points)
|Intro Text
|Black Ops Solo Quick Revive (Zombies WILL walk away when downed)
|The AUG
|Moving Mystery Box
|Searchable Crates
|Hidden Perk doors (You need to find switches to open the doors)
|Start with 0 points
|Objectives (Make sure to read at the start of the game and/or in this description)
|Secret area (The Tomb)
|And many more I’ve forgotten about!


|ReclusiveShade (PAP Camo base)
|Bluntstuffy (Soul Chests and more)
|bamskater33 (Perks)
|zombie madness
|ALL of the amazing people at GCZ
|ALL of the amazing people at UGX
|ALL of the amazing people at ZM



Thank you so much!

Ping998, out.



Nazi Zombie Deadline

Nazi Zombie Deadline
Version: 2.1 By: Bookable

**Fixes in 2.1**
1. Removed MANY bugs
2. Bug free elevator (as far as I know)
3. Added safeguards for glitches found (if you get out of the map, you get ported back in)
4. Added spawn points on the peer to make it more intense
5. Added spawn points on the beach
6. Added a second entrance to the upstairs on the house from the deck
7. No more crawly farming (Every Crawler has a 60-120 second random bleed out time)
8. Added the Bowie, Magnum, and Mollys
9. Fixed issue where players could not buy Mortars or Satchels after death
10. Fixed Elevator POI
11. Replaced the first song of the music box to the one used in the trailer
12. And Much Much More that I cant think of :)

NOTE** If your flogger is not launching zombies, take your bodies count in your settings from Insane to Large or Medium.

Things in map…
3.Power Lights
4.All Perks 
5.Auto Turrets
6.Auto Turret trap
8.All Power Ups (except Carpenter)
9. Very Big Map (lots of running space)
10. Teleporters
11. End style Hallway (Shortened to increase difficulty)
12. Satchel Charges
13. Music Box
14. Randomized Perks!
15. Fog
16. Added starting area
17. Fixed many bugs



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