Nazi Zombie Movie Theater
By: FinalKill9175
Size: 131 MB
Hello Zombie Modding, this is my first zombies map I have made, and it’s theme is a movie theater. There are 9 rooms, a buy able ending, black ops perks, weapons, and solo quick revive, and my own perk called ‘octa-perk’. Octa-Perk allows for you to have 8 or more perks, and without it you are limited to 4 perks. The perk machines will also rotate (courtesy of M.A.K.E CENTS) at the beginning of every match, and rotate with the mystery box.
Special Thanks to:
-ZK for his great youtube tutorials.
-Anybody who helped with ideas & testing.
-M.A.K.E CENTS for his great prefabs and scripts.
-BAMSKATER for his BO perk tuts and prefabs.
I would LOVE to see gameplay of this map, as it would be appreciated.
***If any bugs are found please leave a comment.
Known Bugs:
– One of the barriers may be un-repairable.
Current Version: v1.0
-Added the dragunov and the m72 law, and changed the starting grenade to the sticky grenade.
-Added power drops, it does not include max ammo.
-Fixed many bugs
– First map