Nazi Zombie Kastle

Nazi Zombie Kastle
By: traill

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Nazi zombie Kastle

all perks
double PAP for all guns
Zip line
1 zapper 
5 musical Easter eggs
1 new area egg
dogs rounds and mixed rounds

known glitches/problems:
-hint strings for teleporter can be mixed up it needs to be linked each time and cost 2000 with a cool down after bought
-hint strings for Zip line price does not always show, costs 750
-automatic turrets hint strings don’t always work after activated price will always show
-Did not know how to make custom traverse, they look weird
-Several graphical glitches didn’t care to fix
-Don’t try to buy ammo off the wall with a double upgraded gun, buyable max ammo will work though
-Generally hint strings are royally effed up, don’t know why but running in devmap seems to help it a lot , if anyone knows why this is happening please let me know so i can release an update

Credits- Made map by myself but used tutorials / prefabs from others
-UGX tutorials

Great thanks goes to Zombie modding site and all members on credits an to anyone i have missed in the credit list



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