Nazi Zombie Project46

Nazi Zombie Project46
By: xswaggaxkillzx

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This is my first map so please dont hate on me!

You are stuck in a house out in the middle of a forest, but you dont remeber how you got there. When figure out what is happening, its to late… the zombies have already overrun the forest and are heading straight for you! But, there is still a lot that you dont know about this house…

There is a End style hallway, which the buyable ending is in.

Known Glitches:
1. Zombies tend to not go to the window on one of the second story windows.
2. The Colt is in the box. (The one in the box is more powerful than the one you start with though!)
That is all of the known glitches. If you find any, let me know and I will add them to this list.

Change log:
8/8/2012-Added custom menu music!

Hi Vaegis



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