Fallout Assault Center

Fallout Assault Center
Version: 1 By: nickst98

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fallout assault center takes place in a unnamed east coast city after the events of moon. fight to the death with your favorite drunk, jap, german and marine in the zombie infested wasteland city and the underground assault center. 


UGX mod

large map

heavy detail


Mappers: Nickst98 | Weezy428

Scripter: YaPh1l

porter: p0rkroyalz

poster guy: chunkdogg9

beta testers: zombiejelly, knzombiemaster, stuffed oatmeal, tomikaze

bugs are to be expected the map is 100% complete and i have fixed many bugs found by me and testers, but there are still some you will find, please let me know about them and i will have them fixed in the next update



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