Undead Hospital
Version: 1.0 By: xXxCowmanxXx
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I have been working on this map for about 1-2 months now. Been working my hardest on my map due to my last map not the best map ever. All guns have close to the weapon files that was in the games the guns came from. All guns have sounds reload sounds fire sounds etc… Most guns use custom sounds that i made my self. Any feedback or comments on the map then post down below or any bug you find in the mapÂ
Features of the map
Over 60 custom guns
Custom guns from other games then Call of duty
Mw2 Guns
Cod2 gun
Mw3 Guns
Bo1 guns
Custom wonder weapons
WAW Guns
Black ops 1 perks
Thundergun from black ops 1
Some what detailed map
FOV Slider (Options & Controls/Game Options then change the slider that says FOV)
No Pack a Punch but guns have a little bit more damage so they are not use less on higher roundsÂ
Tom_Bmx (Lemon, Lime, Error Help)
P0rkRoyalz (Some xanims)
Chromastone10 (Custom guns, Help with random stuff)
Nikolai Belinski (A big help around)
PROXFTW (Easter egg and other scripts)
Jzob123 (Some guns, Help wtih a lot of random stuff)
jei9363 (Bo1 Perks scripts use my own models tho)
Claytomn (Scripts)
Redspace200 (Help with learning how to script and Thundergun)
Tito (Some guns, And help full guy)
Nukem (Help with some errors in town of the dead that i use in this map)
ASTR0 (Loadscreen)
BlackBoss42 (Mapping help)
Sanya (MW2 Player models)
Koene007 (Custom Thompson image)
Elfenliedtopfan5 (Help)
sevengpluke (Halo gun)
Rollonmath42 (Titan fall smg)
GMod Workshop
JR-Imagine (Mule kick script)
Nikolai BelinskiÂ