Parkplatz (Parking Spot)

Parkplatz (Parking Spot)
By: LuigiTheSayjin

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That`s my 1st map that I decided to upload. I think the map is not that shitty.  (I made 3 maps but they are all bullshit ,i think) :)

The map is based of a Parking Spot in my Hometown and i think for my first try of “bigger” mapping it`s ok.  :)

UGX Standalone v1.1 (Thx to the UGX Team for the Awesome Mod  :D)
Kino Style Teleporter (Thx to marsvinking for the teleporter prefab and teleporter script  :D)
Buildable Door Switch (Thx to ByzModz for the prefabs and the scripts for the buildable  :D)
A shootable Teddybear EE to unlock a room with the buyable ending (75000 points)


Known Bugs:
The kino teleporter doesn`t have the teleporting sound
If you build sth. at the workbench, the ammo of your current gun is refilled (idk why  :'()

Have fun with my 1st map :) (i have not the best english, because i`m german. sry)




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