The Cube Ops!

The Cube Ops!
By: Crazy Bullen

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A survival map inside a big Cube with 4 levels. A cube with Traps, Weapons on the walls, a moving Mystery Box and Easter Eggs to continue. The map also has Acidgat’s Craftable and Dragonshield’s Craftable.
Weapons got Attachments and Reddot!

Find The 10 Alien Heads to Continue Through The Window!
But First Turn On The Power!!

This map is like Time! You have to survive in the Blue room up to Round 10 or less to open the First 10.000 Door! In the Power room, you get the KRM 😉


Richard Nixon ————— BLACK OPS I “Five”
Sarah Michelle Gellar [SMG] – BLACK OPS I “Call of the Dead”
Abigail “Misty” Briarton —- BLACK OPS II “Tranzit”
Marlton Johnson ———- BLACK OPS II “Buried”


Watch my video, also had a Shotgun Challenge! If I can, you can 😉 And now you can see were all the Alien, Shield, Acid items are!


1: Buy Knuckle on Round 4, or just save some Rounds with only KRM. But you need to do HEADSHOT! Ether you don’t get all the Points you need in Time! This map is Hard if you take too long Rounds before your camping place!

2: Camping Place is beside the Bootlegger, with the Perk on you’re back! Use the Trap is they push you too hard! YES, it is a Hard map if you don’t Kill them in that line! Without the Trap, you doomed BEFORE the Switchers!

3: Start with the Yellow room! Don’t be fixable about Jagger [Red], you need Speed Cola and Double Tap!
And use M8A7 near Speed Cola! It’s the best Weapon if using on their Heads!

4: After the 4 Switcher is ON, you can relax a big time! Use the walls to sprint, and the Best wallbuy-weapon in this map, is Blundergat & Banshii and Rift E9! Try to finish the Alien Heads to get Banshii or Rift E9.
Otherwise you can get the Raygun-Mark2 inside the Mystery Box 😉

But have lot’s of fun, and have a nice day!


HarryBo21’s Gun Pack v2.3.0 – alexbgt, NoobForLunch, Sethnorris, Yen466, Lilrifa, Easy?????a, Will Luffey, ProRevenge, DTZxPorter, Zeroy, JBird632, StevieWonder87, BluntStuffy, RedSpace200, thezombieproject, Smasher248, JiffyNoodles, MadGaz, MZSlayer, AndyWhelen, Collie, HitmanVere, ProGamerzFTW, Scobalula, Azsry, GerardS0406, PCModder, IperBreach, TomBMX, Treyarch and Activision, AllModz

HarryBo21’s Perks v2.1.3 – Raptroes, Hubashuba, WillJones1989, alexbgt, NoobForLunch, Symbo, TheIronicTruth, JAMAKINBACONMAN, Sethnorris, Yen466, Lilrifa, Easy?????a, Erthrock, Will Luffey, ProRevenge, DTZxPorter, Zeroy, JBird632, StevieWonder87, BluntStuffy, RedSpace200, Frost Iceforge, thezombieproject, Smasher248, JiffyNoodles, MadGaz, MZSlayer, AndyWhelen, Collie, HitmanVere, ProGamerzFTW, Scobalula, Azsry, GerardS0406, PCModder, IperBreach, TomBMX, Treyarch and Activision, AllModz, TheSkyeLord

Misc Credits – The Indestructable Mike Pence, DTZxPorter, Scobalula, Collie, Zeroy, IceGrenade

*Thank You #xoSynister# for The Sounds you made to this map!

I also want to Credit to IceGrenade for a much helping hand with my scripts for this map 🙂



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