Burgertime Zombies

Burgertime Zombies
Version 2 By: TheRipppa

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UPDATED 8-25   

V2-wanted to make map little harder but still fun, added

-higher door costs
-added harrys Shrieker zombie
-fixed spots zombies got stuck between burger and stairs
-64 zombies
-added more traversals
-45000 buyable ending now
-more spawn points
Map is working, need to use fast-restart or map_restart when game over or crashes to desktop due to the custom characters.
Welcome to Burgertime Zombies. Map is based loosely on Burgertime original game and the Burgertime World Tour game. Have fun and enjoy the goofy map.

Had to fix backwards box..should be good now

Map notes:
I basically wanted to learn to rig a custom zombie, so made this map for fun to go along with the custom zombies I made. Take it for what its meant to be, cartoonish, old video game feel .
rooftops are clipped, cant jump off levels onto them, thats to easy of escape. Zombies can jump up, across and thru some of the holes..so be careful. Zombies start out fast.
No dogs
No gobblegum
soul boxes-door reward
8 shootable chef hat targets-door reward for pap
key-statue room

May add super sprinters if someone can help me. Map is pretty easy now

Map contains 12 perks, although think Tombstone wasnt showing up., ill look into that
Custom Zombies
Custom models
custom sounds
Custom player zombies
buyable ending
mc zombie counter

Thanks MakeCents- for his shootable script and he modifed it to count hits
Thanks Zeroy and PLanet -for info on removing zombie eyes.
The Indestructable Mike Pence -for the Five player models and helping with customizing it makecents zombie counter
Thanks GCPeinhardt,Symbo, Killjoy- for new scripting
Thanks jbird -for traversals
and other the others on discord who help with valuable info.Thanks

——- Credits ——-
Find more tutorials here: http://youtube.com/IceGrenade
Discord: https://discord.gg/3gPDZdT

Brought to you by IceGrenade, this mod level will help save you time in the long run as it includes fixes for all the main problems with the mod tools, including cool new scripts, examples of some mapping techniques and concepts. For the latest changes on this mod level, be sure to check out IceGrenade on youtube. Have suggestions? Epic!… comment them on YouTube and they may just get implemented! 😀
IceGrenade for ICE ZM Mod Level, Credit Script, Music Edits, Perk Fixes & Other Sounds
– http://youtube.com/IceGrenade
ZoekMeMaar for helping with ICE ZM Mod Level, CSV fixes & Script cleanup
– https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD2OLl_SLLbQs86hgrWnmYQ
iBounce for BetterPrint Script
– https://www.youtube.com/user/Un1TedBouNceRs
WARDOGSK93 for Wunderfizz, PHD, Vulture & Tombstone Perk Addons + Widows/Cherry setup
– http://aviacreations.com/modme/index.php?view=topic&tid=648
xSanchez78PERKS for WhosWho Perk Addon
– http://aviacreations.com/modme/index.php?view=topic&tid=718
Natesmithzombies for Custom Powerups, Hitmarkers, Perk Change
– http://natesmithzombies.com/releases.html
Erthrocks for Some Guns
– https://www.youtube.com/user/Natecraft25
HarryBo21 for Origin Pack Guns
– http://aviacreations.com/modme/index.php?view=topic&tid=880#post4211
ZeRoY for Various Script Work (Voxes)
– https://www.youtube.com/user/zeroy
Ardivee for difficulty setting + voxes setup
– https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsHO8jNK27KbazYLm3wECTQ
DTZXPorter for Wraith & helping with alias names on voxes
– https://www.youtube.com/user/PorterX2Pro
UGX for Buyable Ending
– https://confluence.ugx-mods.com/display/UGXMODS/BO3+%7C+Adding+Buyable+Ending+to+Zombiemode
CraftDAnimations for Wallbuy Prefab Set
– https://www.youtube.com/user/CraftDAnimation

Missing Credits?… Just send me a msg and I will update it.

BO3 Modding Tutorial Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJUw4s6xsIa6IUFXryOTk0y6maz3luh77                                                                                                                           Additional Features of the Default Map:                                                                                                                                           -x3 Zones with Setup adjacent in gsc.
-x6 Magic Weapon Boxes (Broken one removed)
-x4 Wallbuys
-x3 Custom Gun Wallbuys
-x1 Fixed Packapunch lighting
-x13 Fixed/Improved Perk Lighting on power
-x13 Perk Nudge (Change)
  Bump Triggers
-x4 New Powerups added (Time Warp, Bottomless Clip, Money, Fast Feet)
-x1 Power Light state switch script
-x2 Wonderfizz locations (Start & Move location)
-x1 Buyable Ending Setup
-x1 Hitmarkers Setup
-x12 Custom Round Sounds from Tron Towers
-x1 Custom Box Sound from Tron Towers
-x1 Voxes Now Working (Player Interaction Sounds)
-x1 Various Gun Sounds, Interaction Sounds Fixed Previously Missing
-x1 12 Perk Limit Set
-x1 Pap Camos Set with Gorod Krovi x4 Variants
-x1 Start with 50,000 points for testing
-x1 Start with Five Seven pistol
-x1 Add Credits Script
-x1 Fixed Dogs (No More Frozen Rounds)
-x1 Fixed Arnies (No More Stolen Weapons)
-x3 Probes to Show Example probe placement
-x1 Cut brush window to Show Example cut brushes
-x1 Zone buyable barrier to Show Example door                                                                                                                         -x2 Generator Lights with Light Elements to Show Example Lighting + Models
-x1 Precached Red Grab FX
-x2 Ssi Setup for Skybox Change on Power                                                                                                                                     -x1 Initial Spawn Layout Size Reduced (Make Smaller Start Rooms)                                                                                 
-x1 Better Print Script to Add  Colour Text
-x1 Comment to Show Player Character Changes in usermaps



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