Oval Office Outbreak!
By: YouAlwaysWin Zombies
YouAlwaysWin PRESENTS:
Oval Office Outbreak!
-Clean The Westwing Of The Outbreak
-WaW, BO1, BO2, 2019 MW and Infinite Warfare CUSTOM WEAPONS
**NOTE** Some weapons have an alternate fire which is activated by pressing 4 on the keyboard. There is no
hint for it on the HUD, pressing 4 will switch or activate any gun that has the second mode
for the ones you don’t know about yet.
-12 Perks and WunderFizz
-Trials Challenge For Upgraded Weapons
-Lots of background ambient music tracks
***NOTE*** – YouTube Audio Library. All ‘Attribution Not Required’
Rollonmath42 (Special Weapons)
NSmithZombies (Various Scripts)
Harry BO2 (Large Gun Pack, Weapon Boxes, Pack A Punch, Bosses)
Zeroy (Flamethrower)
Erthrock (Zombie Models)
DTZxPorter (Wraith Model Exporter)
Treyarch (Mod Tools, Being Awesome!)
ConvictioNDR (Game Modes, Fixed Dogs)
Symbo, Ardivee and Emox (Collective Challenges)
iAmThatMichael (Flare Spawners)
TheSkyeLord (LOTS of custom weapons)