Nazi Zombie Rage

Nazi Zombie Rage
By: Gbomb


nazi_zombie_rage is a large scale zombie map.  your goal is to defend the train terminal from the hordes of zombie intruders!  This is an old school zombie map, free of perks and Verruckt features to help you out. The ray gun only exists in the weapons box. Without cheats enabled, the map is meant to be difficult.  nazi_zombie_rage is based on the WaW multiplayer map ‘Station’. There are several playing areas and tons of things to explore and open. Good luck!


-Mystery Box

-Wall Guns



Nazi Zombie Rancid

Nazi Zombie Rancid
By: Darkflame

The map looks really nice for 2010, a lot of thought was put into it. Other than a couple texture and geometry issues it’s relatively issue free on the visual side. Gameplay wise, the zombies take forever to reach the windows, and even if you’re outside the zombies will go through the windows, then loop back around to come to you. Not much else I can complain about though, just a good Nacht style map with good attention to detail.

Strats: Train anywhere outside or camp with your back against the gate on the outside, the zombies to your right will run to the windows on the house then loop around and come to you clumping most of the zombies together.



Zombie Industry

Zombie Industry
By: DarkFlame


100 yrs. ago there was this metal industry which was operated by a crazy rich guy. he hated the labors who worked for him. so with the help of a evil scientist he started testing chemicals on the workers. but it turns out to be that these experiments started to fail and the workers started dying. this experiment which let out fumes caused all the other workers suffer form ill and later they died. somehow the government came to know of this experiment, so this rich guys instead of loosing his dignity he hung himself inside the industry.

Dempsey: this is the end of the article. hum.. that guy hung himself for good.
Nikolai: yah, people like him should kill themselves.
Richtofen: enough blabbering of this idiot lets test this Teleporter.
Takeo: why should we?.
Richtofen: i did some “fixings” to it come on guys lets test.
Dempsey: whatever
Takeo: ah man! here we go again on this stupid mans thing.
Nikolai: ………
Richtofen: here goes nothing.
(he turns the switch on, they heard some electrical sound, but nothing happened.)
Nikolai: hahaha! this man is really crazy.
Dempsey: what the hell is going on. where are we going.
Richtofen: i dont know. this is bad. Oh god.
(they come to a different place)
Takeo: where are we?
Nikolai: this isn’t where we started!.
Dempsey: guys look at this picture in this article. doesn’t this place looks like the one in here.
Richtofen: guys we have a bigger problem than that.
Takeo: NO not again!
Nikolai we got company! get suited guys
Dempsey: its dark in here find the power!!!! Now

2 triggers activated power door. Find the 2 triggers, buy it and open the door which leads to 3 Important thing. Activate and link the teleporters.

-Der Reise Zombies
– Monkey Bomb
– Pack-A-Punch
– Hellhounds
– All the weapons
– Teleporters
– Power-ups (3)
– Electric Defenses
– Bridge
– Auto Turrets
– Perk-A-Cola
– Zone System
and all other features from Der Reise (except flytrap)

There are a lot of doors to open.
Zombie comes form everywhere.
Maps starts with split spawning
Limited weapons on the walls.



Nazi Zombie Doom 2

Nazi Zombie Doom 2
By Gbomb


Nazi_zombie_doom2 is a large scale zombie map. It’s based in an abandoned german warehouse.  You must stay alive long enough to unlock all the blockers and power up the fire defense and perk machines. With 5 levels to unlock  your sure to have your hands full. The map is meant to be difficult, so juggernaut has been eliminated.    

– Lots of unlockable rooms and doors
– Perk-a-Cola machines, except juggernaut so don’t look ;)
– Power switch and custom wall of fire defense
– Mounted machine gun
– Moving weapons box
– Bouncing Betty
– Lots of special effects



Nazi Zombie Killzone Revisited

Nazi Zombie Killzone Revisited
By: Mr Hankey & Tom_bmx Version: 1.1

You and your fellow illegal immigrant buddies have broken into a train yard and find yourself overwhelmed by undead German boarder patrol officers.

Can you survive long enough to make it out of the country?

Map unique features:

* Lots of Der Riese style risers!
* Power lights
* Edited zone spawning with risers.
* Realistic artillery
* Hidden power-room of death
* Realistic electric trap
* Kick a*s Hell Hound round(s) (double the hounds, shorter spawn time)
* Players can share guns from the random box (after 6 seconds wait time)
* Tom_Bmx In game music player
* New Zombie / Hell hound transverses
* Win Water Wheel with zombie spawn
* Win Pack-a-Punch
* Tom_bmx menu

Fixed/added in v1.1

* Fixed dog round never ending bug
* You now need to find a fuse before the can open the room that leads to power
* Ladder disabled during Hell Hound round (players also get removed from ladder)
* Added more hints to map
* Additional song added

Special Notes:

* Monky made less annoying (no sayings)
* No light on random box (to make the map more challenging)
* This map is very very difficult!



Nazi Zombie Station

Nazi Zombie Station
By: [ZCT]CoDMapper

Version: Beta

Author: [ZCT]CoDMapper

Map Size: Small-Medium
Gametype Support: Zombie Mode (Co-op/Single-Player)

Alright, here is Nazi Zombie Station, this started out as a MP map for The Rising, then converted to regular MP, and now it’s Nazi Zombies. You are in a dark subway system, you start out in a tunnel with little rooms off to the side where zombies come from, some accessible to players. Then, after unlocked a couple blockers you reach a big station, go explore the rest


ZCT Mod 2 is included already with this map.

Mission Screen doesn’t work because of mod.

Description: This is the first beta release of this map, so please report bugs to me on xfire hokiesfan4 or PM me.



Dark mode powered by Night Eye