Infestation (Ogre)
Version: 1.0 By: gears228
Hi, my name is thepcgamer228 but ugx only let me have gears228.
“The mods name is ogre in waw for obvious reasons i worked on this map for 3 days and this is my first map so sorry if its not up to standards, but hey at least its not a box map”
Black Ops perks and Vulture Ade
Buyable ending
Music box
and Spaz 12 from MW2!
xXxCowmanxXx09 – For helping me learn the basics of mapping and helping me alot through the process of making this map.
jei9363 – for bo1 perks and wunderfizz and volture aid.
Tom_bmx – for his usefull tool lime and cod 4 exporter.
jzob123 – for giving me the spas12.
church prefab by Rgscriven