Nazi Zombie Bazar 2
By: nikfar1
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- der reise style
- custome picture
- dogs
- you have 2 way for finishing the game
- buyable max ammo
- COD8 texture and COD4 model
- buyable secret raygun
- rotating models and brushes
- 4 perkrs  and pap
- friendly ai
- physics in game
- buyable monkey ,betty and good gun
- some music and vocal changed
- perk machines changed
- custome zombie skin
- music box and easter egg
- custome load,mission+game over
- you can ruin the wall and start some fx
- zombie counter
- zapper
- the projector that you can show image on the wall and change picture+tv
- sign and hint for help ======
you are in  a mal and must  find a way to get out
but Which way is safe for Escape?
I made it base on prototype too(nazi_zombe_bazar)but I want to release  der reise style now.
You have fun and action, I would like everyone to try it.
special thanks to:
-Tom_bmx(Music box) and great tutorials
– all friends in this forum that helped me in tutorial section
-MrHankey91 – Script placer