Bp Waiting

Bp Waiting
Version: build 2 By: BuIlDaLiBlE

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Heya everyone, this is me and today I’ll release my map for public. Lol.
Bp Waiting is a small-sized map that I made in waiting for UGX Mod 1.1. When it will be released? :(
So, this is it. No story or somethin’, just a map made for fun.

Anyway, there’s a list of Features available on this map:

-> Bam’s Add-ons: BO1, Vulture Aid, Electric Cherry perks; Origins Generators; Der Wunderfizz
-> Buyable ending (100k)
-> Random perk bottle Power-Up
-> Secret places
-> Ammo Box (in a secret place)
-> Zombie counter
-> Custom Power-Up announcer voice and custom Mystery Box song
-> Deathbarriers in some places where you shouldn’t be, lel
-> One short song
-> Fixed juggernog health and Wunderwaffe that can’t decrease your health
-> No dogs

Known Bugs:

-> Zombies standing still sometimes in front of right window near Speed Cola if window is repaired
-> Zombies attacking you while downed (Bam’s Add-ons issue)
-> Third weapon remains after losing Mule Kick (Bam’s Add-ons issue)
-> Der Wunderfizz sometimes can’t be used (Bam’s Add-ons issue, I think)
-> There can be a problem activating generators (Bam’s Add-ons issue)
-> Deathbarrier in coop kills only one person if there’s more than one in it
-> Deathbarrier can’t kill you with the PHD Flopper

That’s pretty much it. The only credit for making this map (except wonderful Bam’s Add-ons and Random perk bottle from zombiemodding.com) goes to me.

Made by Bp ©
(BuIlDaLiBlE production)



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