BO2 Hijacked Zombies

BO2 Hijacked Zombies
Version: 1.1 By: FinalKill9175

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Hello UGX, this is FinalKill and I am uploading my third map to this site. This map is a zombies remake of the well known black ops 2 multiplayer map, Hijacked. It took about a month to develop, and it has turned out well.

Survivng Hijacked
1. Hijacked Rounds
As a replacement for dog rounds, every five rounds a ‘Hijacked Round’ will occur. Essentially, on Hijacked Rounds, each player is forced to use a random wall weapon for the round. You cannot hit the box, buy another wall weapon, or purchase perks during the round. If you get down, there is a chance that you may lose a random weapon that you had before the hijacked round. At the end of the round, the perks will fly back down onto the boat and you will get your weapons back. A perk called ‘Hijacked Aid’ will help you with Hijacked Rounds. Hijacked Aid is discussed below.

2. Hijacked Aid
To help you with Hijacked Rounds, a perk called Hijacked Aid (Cost: 2500) will carry you through the round. Every 20 seconds, during Hijacked Rounds, the ammo in your weapon will be replenished, and you can pack-a-punch for 2500 points (But remember, you lose that weapon at the end of the round!).

3. Building the Power
In order to get the power turned on in this map, you must build it. Parts and where to build it is shown below:

4. Perk Limit
After buying four perks, you will have to buy another perk slot. You can buy a perk slot at anytime at the table near electric cherry on the upper floor for the second cabin. Each perk slot costs 1,250 points and you will not lose them if you die or go down. 

5. Pack-a-punch & beating the map
The pack-a-punch and the buyable ending are both located near the panel part at the front of the boat. The buyable ending is the helicopter, and the pack a punch is the three crates with a teddy bear on it. To get the pack-a-punch, the power must be turned on and someone has to summon it for 5,000 points.

List of Features:
-BO1 & BO2 Perks
-BO1 & BO2 Ported Weapons
-Buildable Power
-Random Starting Weapon
-Double Pack-a-punch
-Custom Powerups + FX by me
-Weather (Rain)
-A new system of rounds (Hijacked Rounds)
-100,000 Point Ending
-Double Tap 2.0 (And correct model+shaders)
-A custom perk

-All my friends who helped beta test the map and give me ideas.
-Zombie Madess aka Rorke for a few BO1 Weapons
-[F3AR]xReaper666 for custom powerup scripts.
-Cinnober for the rain tutorial
-Bamskatter ( Jei )




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