Hangar 42

Hangar 42
By: TRex_0

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Aside from the obvious “This is my first map”, I’ve put about a month of work into this map and I’m proud to finally say I have created a Custom Zombies map for World at War! It has a small Easter Egg to get to PaP, and a buyable ending. Hope y’all enjoy!

The map is pretty barebones in terms of custom features; that being said, I tried to make the map look detailed to make up for the lack of custom assests. There’s two training spots, albeit somewhat challenging to the average player, and an abundance of camping spots with strategic wallbuys for you and your friends to constantly have ammo. As stated below, there’s 18 bears to shoot around the map to unlock the bunker, and only 1 of them is outside the map. Finally, there’s around 5-6 functioning zappers scattered across the map for ya. Good luck all!

– 10 Perks
– Small Teddy Bear Easter Egg (18 Bears)
– Vulture aid
– Vanilla Weapons
– Black Ops Quick Revive


– Custom Perks: Bamskater33

– Bunker Door Script: Xspicious
– Assorted assets: Xspicious

– Zappers: ADDICTED

HUGE thanks to Xspicious for countless hours of help, and RADIMAX for help in Radiant. 



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