Skull Hotel
By: noVADdex
Hotel madness!
It was a nice place to stay at one time. Now only the dead stay there and noones welcome!
Find the skulls, get to the power, locate the hidden skull and follow the help messages to eventually call in a retired hero.
My first map and stab at map making. Me and my friends have been enjoying this map since before christams. I may update with a Boss after power and touch up a few areas. just wanna start on some other map ideas for now 😀
-*Variant zombies* (SOE type, cuz the same old ones are getting boring)
– working perk machines
-*Brutus Boss*
-Easter egg end game
-Soul grow chests
-Build table (rocket sheild)
-5 Revelations pap gun cammos
-Pap telly (kinda kino like)
-Swimming with the dead (optional)
-Hidden gun wall buys
Nate Smith zombies
Uptownpapi25 youtube tuts
CraftDanimations youtube tuts
friends that tested
and the good old Zombies 🙂
check out my new map