Zombie Higher

Zombie Higher

Spring, 2011

Location:  Trapped upon a highrise rooftop.
Chance of Survival:  Minimal

  Nearly a year has passed since the strange explosion that rocked this large city.  The zombie outbreak seems to be growing at an increasing rate.

  You have managed to develop a few new technologies during your survival here.  

  You have also been experimenting heavily with the mysterious DINO DNA.  You have turned what used to be very a harmful object into a very useful item indeed.  It could in fact save us from this place one day.

  Keep hanging in there.  I have managed to secure you a SNIPER located on a building ledge across the way. You would not want to SHOOT this man would you?

Get That DINO DNA Soldier!  That Is An Order!

General Chaos


  This map is based off of Nazi Zombie Hi.  I have removed the stairs on the sides and the zombies climb up the edges now.  Extra Teleporters have been added in to increase the randomness of your output location.  I have taken out the Nuke Launcher and replaced it with the Ray Gun.  However I have cut the clip size in half to level things out.  I have made some adjustments to some of the other guns as well.

**Differences From Hi**

— Higher ups the difficulty and adds a winnable ending.  
— Music Boxes
— Improved Weapons.
— DINO DNA Now Helps Player.
— No more camping the stairs, one heli blocker bought removes them all.
— AMMO Air Drop — Thank you CoDMapper
— More zombie craziness with them climbing edges.

-------------------- HIGHER v1 -----------------------------------

Authors: [ZCT]xCHAOSx

This Map is intended to be used with the ZCT MOD2_MW.  The mod was included in the map folder 
so please leave all contents in the nazi_zombie_higher folder.

ZCT MOD CONTENTS in the map folder

zct_mod2_mw.iwd 51,855kb
mod.ff 30,299kb


Once in the main menu, select "mods"> "nazi_zombie_higher" > "Launch".

Once the game loads again in mods, you can select the level from the Co-op menu or play singleplayer by typing:

/map nazi_zombie_higher

In the console.


Launch "mods" > "nazi_zombie_higher".

Then go to co-op and select the nazi_zombie_higher from the maplist.

(all players wishing to connect must load the same mod")


Issues, bugs? Please report to [email protected].




Nazi Zombie ZCT Castle

ZCT Castle


Testers: -JV-, Add5555, Reaper, Hihellobyeoh, ZombEkilE

mp_castle:  Treyarch

For this project I used the mp_castle.map.  I implemented zombie mode and poured on some ZOMBIE CHICKEN TACO SAUCE for extra flavor.

I tried my best to make this a tough map and remove any of the player advantages this map has had in the past.  The guns are sparse and the debris is pricey.  

Three treasure chests are scattered around, along with buyable ammo and artillery strikes.  (see load screen for locations)

This zombie map has no winnable ending.  Its all about survival and getting high round records.

Teleporters have also been put in, although you must unlock them from the final ‘Last Stand” area.

Good Luck and Have Fun!


Code: [Select]


Once in the main menu, select “mods”> “nazi_zombie_zct_castle” > “Launch”.

Once the game loads again in mods, you can select the level from the Co-op menu or play singleplayer by typing:

/map nazi_zombie_zct_castle
In the console.

Launch “mods” > “nazi_zombie_zct_castle”.

Then go to co-op and select the nazi_zombie_zct_castle from the map list.

(all players wishing to connect must load the same mod”)


Launch “mods” > “nazi_zombie_zct_castle”.

Then go to co-op and select the nazi_zombie_zct_castle from the map list.

(all players wishing to connect must load the same mod”)



Doll House 2 (SC and ZCT Version)

Doll House 2
Version: SC and ZCT By: ZCTxCHAOSx

The Basics: This map puts you in a world where you are as small as a toy soldier and must work your way through a normal size house to complete some objectives and make your escape. There are two versions of the map; a harder version called ZCT Dollhouse 2 and an easier version called SC Dollhouse 2. The differences are that they both have different weapon sets, the barriers on the ZCT version cost more, the SC or Special Combat version has AI help as well as buyable powerups like Double Points and Instakill to make killing and point building easier.

What We Like: I love the setting of being a small soldier in an oversized world and the fact that it looks pretty good especially for being an older map. The layout of the map is well done and keeps things pretty challenging especially solo, but still offers creative escape routes to keep things interesting and to keep you on the move. The map came out a few years back and was one of the first to have you shoot those evil teddy bears in order to complete your objectives. And this map actually does this the right way by hiding the teddy bears in fun and mysterious places. It makes good use of the ZCT Mod with the option to adjust the difficulty and even after playing it for the hundredth time I still love running around all of the great places that there are to go on this map.

What We Didn’t Like: Nothing. I think that this map is perfect just the way it is and it’s better looking and offers more fun that than most maps that come out even now.

Final Word: The ZCT Mod is really fun for this map; having to run around for the dropping perks hoping for the essential ones like Armor Regen (Jug) and Slight of Hand and then kicking yourself when you almost die trying to get to a perk only to get Fast Rebuilding. If you are struggling to beat it solo you may want to play the SC Dollhouse version and turn off the difficulty mod, but if you are a hardened veteran then fire up ZCT Dollhouse and prepare to get destroyed by those cursed phase shifting zombies. Truly a custom zombie classic.




Nazi Zombie Zenith

Nazi Zombie Zenith
By: Paragalor

Nazi Zombie Zenith


by Paragalor


On a dark stormy night in the year 2006, four British soldiers are stumbling about a dark forest, looking for shelter from the unforgiving rain…

Griggs: Uggh, this rain is jamming up my MG. I’m not gonna be able to shoot that many Russians without a working gun.

Price: Griggs, stop whining and just use your USP if we run into any trouble. Now look for any form of shelter from this rain.

Soap: Price, I see a building up ahead! It looks a bit decrepit, but it’ll do.

Roach: Are we seriously going in THERE?

Price: Yes Roach, and since you seem SO enthusiastic about it, why don’t you head on in?

Roach: Grrr, fine!

Inside the building…

Soap: Why are these abandoned buildings always so dark? Griggs, turn on the power.

Griggs: Yes sir. (throws a hefty switch)

Soap: That’s better. Now let’s see what’s in h-

Roach: SHHHHH!!! Did you hear that?

Price: It’s nothing, Roach, stop overreacting!

Griggs: Price, I don’t think he’s joshing us this time!

Soap: ZOMBIES!!!

Price: All right men, get ready for some action! Let’s try to reach the top while we kill these disgraces to life!

Griggs, Soap, Roach: YES SIR!!!

This is Zenith, my first map! It’s a map that features seven floors of difficult zombie murder. All the best items are on the top, so you better get there quick, before you’re zombie food! Can you survive? Can you reach the zenith?



  • ZCT (Zombie Chicken Taco) Weapons
  • ZCT Perks
  • ZCT Zombie Ranks
  • Buyable Ammo
  • Auto Turrets
  • Tom_BMX’s Music Box with four zombie mode songs
  • Seven floors of challenging zombie swarms



  • Tom_BMX (Music Box and quite a bit of help scripting)
  • nefarious (awesome kick-butt trailer and beta testing)
  • hihellobyeoh (beta testing)
  • And a LOT of other people who supported me, beta tested, and pointed me in the right direction. Thanks, everybody!



Nazi Zombie Forts

Nazi Zombie Forts
Version: 1.1 By: ADDICTED

Version 1.1 finally out!!!

Nazi Zombie Forts (not Fort) by Snake0567 & ADDICTED

This map doesn’t really have a storyline, but I guess you crash landed (like that one hasn’t been used before) and found yourselfs here. Stand your ground and get ready to fight! Lame, I know.
– Most cod4 guns (some cod5 guns upgrade into cod4 guns)
– Custom powerups
– Kino Der Toten-style PAP room (but with powerup)
– Choice ending on round 20
– Points trading system
– Custom Perks
– Easter Eggs
– Zombie Counters
– Custom Models
– Auto turrets with MINIGUNS!!!
– Getting downed brings you closer to other players
– High/Low graphics setting
– Normal and Hard difficulties put a 2nd window in each hut
– Easy starts with: 3000 points, Normal: 1000 points, Hard: 0 points
– Regular ray gun added
And more!

– In 3-4 player game, if a player leaves, it might cause a problem with the feature that keeps players from getting out of the map (hopefully this is fixed, but I didn’t have 3-4 players to do a test)
– Some cod4 guns don’t have sounds or are missing sounds (sorry, it’s my first time – I couldn’t find all the sounds)

Have fun!!
Thanks to:
SpeedRunner1 – Beta testing
Nelwyn – Beta testing
Tom_Bmx – Lamps/Lights, Music box, Atillery, and probably some other things I can’t remember right now





ZM Camping
By: Holty007


After a night out you wake to find out you have been kidnapped and taken to a camping site but there are more visitors than you anticipated.

Added Extras
Auto Turrets
Art Strike
Custom FX
Converted Models
All Skinned Weapons
Buyable Ammo From Level 7 

With Thanks to:
Tom_Bmx (Script’s)
Darkflame (Beta tester)
Big Dave (Beta Testing)
Rapture (Beta Testing)

And you for downloading my map, hope you enjoy it :D 

To play solo its map/ zm_camping



Nazi Zombie CB

Nazi Zombie CB
By: RandyWest

Based on nacht der untoten with the ZCT MW 2 mod.

It has all the ZCT MW2 features like:

-power defence
-buyable perks
-modern weapons

Players need a little luck to get to the magic box!!

Know issues:
Players may get stuck in the elevators when attacked by a zombie so use it wisely!!!

All credits for the mod ZCT MW2 go to the :
Zombie Chicken taco members

Credits to the helpful testers:


Have Fun,



Pruefstand VII (Test Stand VII)

Pruefstand VII (Test Stand VII)
Version 1.0 By: FAT-MAN


-4 Perks

-Numerous Wall Guns

-Pack A Punch

-Vast areas in normandy bunker fortress


Hello guys,

i want to introduce you my COD 5 WaW Zombie Map.

Released, February 2011 !!!

This is a implement of my COD 5 WaW Multiplayer MAP “Pruefstand VII (Stand VII)”

“Pruefstand VII (Stand VII)”

The reconstruction was based on the “Sniperbolt’s Nazi_Zombie_Maping” tutorial.

Console Name: nazi_zombie_ps7

Version: 1.0 Final

Author: Freddy

Homepage: http://www.Level0Soft.com

Map Size: Big  :)

Contents of the Archive & Install Notes: Read the included info file

Everything else you’ll find here:

Additional info:

Test Stand VII (German: Pruefstand VII, PS-7) was the principal V-2 rocket testing facility at Peenemuende Airfield……

Wikipedia Link EN : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Test_Stand_VII

This scenario served me as an inspiration for this map.



Dark mode powered by Night Eye