Nazi Zombie F.C.2

Nazi Zombie F.C.2
By: Coochy

Welcome to Zombies F.C.2 take on a hord of zombies at a football match 8 rooms to explore and main pitch with buyable ending 20000. Tight map so get outside quick the drops ouside wil spawn in and near the goal posts their side of the pitch so get ammo will b hard unless your near the goal posts
In game

quick revive
speed cold
double tap
packa punch

Guns on Wall

Random Box

Sniperbolt’s Tutorial Prefabs



Nacht Der Untoten Reimagined

Nacht Der Untoten Reimagined
Version 2.1 By: ProRevenge

This is the second map I have made, and have spent lots of time on it creating it and fixing bugs. I expanded around the base NDU, adding my own areas, whilst maintaining the original layout and feel of NDU.


Removed Dogs due to an issue with animations only showing for the host (Tried for ages to fix this)
Added 2 new weapons
Improved detailing of the whole map (Thanks to help from RadimaX)
V2.0.4 of Harry’s Perks, overall improved
Very minor map layout changes (Moved one Mystery Box spawn)
Added automatic turret buyables
Added Claymores
Massively improved Thundergun:
Official light fx added
4th light added
knockdown anims added (Thanks to Sethnorris)
better flinging
Added a new drop, that randomly cycles through powerups
Enforced a 4 perk limit
Added a Random Perk bottle drop
Added an improved Ray Gun Mark 2 Muzzleflash FX
Added an improved Mauser model, with better scope and no hole in the clip (Thanks to Stevie)

Fixed a crash resulting from using the Thundergun
Fixed a G-Spawn error from Vulture Aid
Fixed an issue with Vulture Aid causing lag spikes and freezing in Co-op
Fixed an issue where zombies were attracted to Der Wunderfizz after touching the model
Fixed an issue where players respawned after bleeding out with no weapon, and only 1 gun slot
Fixed pathing issues around some perk machines
Fixed an issue where zombies did not go to one of the upstairs windows
Fixed any infinite weapon bugs stemming from Mule Kick
Tuned up weaponfiles, corrected some reload add times
Fixed an issue where box weapons occasionally did not go down until taken
Many other minor bug fixes I forgot :lol:


Special Thanks go to HarryBo21, who has been infinitely helpful script-side with this update, and RadimaX who has been very helpful with mapping and testing


Variety of weapons from BO1, BO2, MW2 and MW3
HarryBo21’s Perks V2:
Speed Cola
Double Tap
Quick Revive (solo)
PHD Flopper
Mule Kick
Deadshot Daiquiri
Electric Cherry
Vulture Aid
Der Wunderfizz
A timed bottle shooting mini game to unlock PAP and the Ending
BO2 style high round walkers
Richtofen is the Demonic Announcer
Blue zombie eyes
TranZit zombie models
Custom HUD and Font
Many small adjustments for you to discover


If people are struggling to find the bottles, feel free to post pictures and help each other out!


For the lazy, All locations of bottles:
Video Credit: TheRelaxingEnd


Special Credits:
HarryBo21 – Help with everything from perk system to sounds and weapons
RamboBadass/Gbomb – The original NDU prefab I built on for the map


Andy Whelan
Koene/tito (CFG)

If you think you are missing from this list and have done something in my map, however small, PM me and I will add you!


If you have any questions about any features or the map in general, PM me :)



Lucid Dream

Lucid Dream
By: Atomic_Tank

This map is extremely small, and if you can beat it in solo, you are an amazing player!

-Double Tap 2.0
-Solo Quick Revive
-Fully Functional Custom Jukebox with Random Songs (Youtube Safe)
-Buyable Ending
-Zombie Counter
-BO2 Perk Shaders and Chalk
-Special Explosive Downs to Make Things Easier
-Multiplayer Player Models
-And a Fun Challenge for Everyone!

-FinalKillGaming for answering all my questions and scripting Double Tap 2.0, the Jukebox and Explosive Downs.
-Tom BMX for the buyable ending.
-ZK for his tutorials.
-Also thanks to everyone who helped beta test my map!

Links to music:
-Cosmic Dreamer:
-At the Speed of Light:
-Dark Angel:
-Knights of Cydonia EON Remix:
-Sonic Blaster:



Hello Kitty

Hello Kitty
By: OnlineX420

The Basics: It’s small, it’s pink and it may cause you to swear like a sailor.

What We Liked: The first few rounds until you can get the mystery box unlocked and afford a weapon are really tough and after 4 or 5 restarts I was ready to hold Hello Kitty’s head underwater till the bubbles stopped coming up. But once you finally succeed you feel like a king…a king of a very pink kingdom.

What We Didn’t Like: Once you get the mystery box unlocked and a couple decent guns the challenge is over. Also, since the map is so old there are only stock WAW guns & perks.

Final Word: I know it’s basic and primitive but I still come back to it for some reason. It’s fun to blow the dust off this dinosaur and live in it’s bright pink glow from time to time, just watch your language early on.





Zombie Energy

Zombie Energy
By: Nathiri

Hello, this is my first proper zombies map, Energy. I started work on this right after I finished my basic map to learn Radiant. At about the 2nd week of January or so is about when I started on it. It’s really be done by March/April, but I was waiting on a script for a more objective-style ending. The script was never completed and so I just scrapped it and decided to just release the map.

The map also originally had a more 2 route from spawn, but was changed because of some issues and so is the map that is released here today. The map plays quite well and has been considered quite hard for some zombie players as I have had this tested frequently on several different test versions. You will probably spend most of your time on the above areas and not in the spawn region. Most of the map was made with default waw models, but towards the ending of development I started to port models for a few CoDs and so you will see some around the map. There is maybe 1 or 2 minor bugs but shouldnt affect gameplay very much at all.

Most of the testers enjoyed playing the map and it is possible to beat this map at around 22 or 23. It is possible to do it a few rounds before but you would really have to work at it.


 The Zombie Outbreak has spread across the world and their devastation is increasing every day. The scientists that are left think they can cure the outbreak if they can get enough of the research that was done by previous scientists and researchers around the world that caused or contributed to the outbreak initially. Zombie Task Force 1 has been called in to accept this mission that will require a number of classified operations into the heart of devastated territories, and acquire research at a number of facilities. Their first operation is at an energy testing facility. Which the location will remain classified. These missions will require utmost skill and the cooperation of the team for the success of the mission.

 Colonel Rollin and his small team is the best in the Zombie Task Force Command, they have been specially selected for this mission by Commander Eston. Their objectives are, to Acquire Research Documents about the research done at the facility, and then since it is suspected that because the facility is active, it is contributing somewhat to the increased activity of the zombies and they have been ordered to blow it up after the former objective has been completed. After all this, they are then to handle their own extraction, making use of the helicopter that was left there years ago according to what their intel has said. Because of the limited resources available for the mission, the team is being sent in with limited equipment and are expected to acquire more equipment including the explosives at the facility. According to the intel available, the facility kept weapons and explosives on hand. The facility was run by an arms-dealer who was doing testing on a new element, that he discovered, so weapons and explosives are expected to be at the facility. In the early morning it has been reported the least activity of the zombies so the team preps to leave at 0200 hours.

 At 0300 hours TFZ1 was dropped into the surrounds of the facility and immediately encountered hordes of zombies. Their transportation flew away immediately after dropping off the team since they were ordered back to base immediately after dropping off the team and to leave the area as soon as possible as staying in the region too long would increase the activity of the zombies. TFZ1 moved closer to the facility but after defending against the initial hordes, they were low on the ammunition that they had brought with them. As a pause in the hordes had come, they were discussing how to go about completing their mission, when suddenly the ground shook and opened up a hole and the team fell through a curving hole and were pushed through to the underground tunnels of the facility. 1 hour later they awaken…. Here is where it is left and it is now up to you to complete the mission.

Map Includes:
8 Perks
BO and some BO2 guns
Large Map
5-hit Jug
Buyable Ending
Mission Objectives Screen
Buyable Max Ammo
Buyable Ammo
JR-Imagine’s Motd HUD
BO2 Round Chalk
Communal Box
Music Box
Backround Music Selection

ZK’s Tutorial Series
Jake (Apex)
Bookable – Elevator
FreeCodCinematics – Prefabs
shippuden1592 – Zombies
sal24r – BO2 Round Chalk
xSanchez78 (ie. alaurenc9)
HarryBo21 – General Help
Rorke – Gun Models
JiffyNoodles – Beta Testing
Many Others – Testing

I am working on a better map which has even more detail and to try and be as detailed as possible. Also keeping the challenge as I have tried to do with this map and even on my basic map.
(Just to make it clear, my old gaming name is Blazehead and that is my name on ZM. I mainly use Nathiri now and that is the main name I will use for the next map.)



The Dark Crusade

The Dark Crusade
Version: 2.5 By: Noah115007


Alright folks heres the final update for the dark crusade

ive fixed coop, added a few weapons, animated pack a punch camo,black ops 1 and 2 perks, soul boxes, MORE PLAYABLE AREA and added lots of fx

the console name is nazi_zombie_maps for anyone concerned

you may experience s=weapon flashes not showing up due to all the fx in later rounds, mainly with double tap rootbeer

credit goes to:
ugx rorke and convictionNDR (cfg factory)
tom bmx
ngt zombies and the public for their suggestions of stuff to add in the beta playtrhrough
anyone i may have forgotten



ZFacility (unfinished)

ZFacility (unfinished)
By: Quizz

ZFacility or Zombie Facility was never finished and has quite a few bugs and incomplete features. Despite all the rough edges, the first challenge is difficult and will require some skill and strategy to complete. If you want a challenge and have some friends willing, try this map out!

You begin in some sort of zombie test facility. Pick your loadout and push the undead back as you make you way through the strange building. Find new perks and upgrades as you work together to complete new challenges in this very difficult zombies experience.


  • 4 Premade weapon loadouts

  • Classes with unique abilities

  • Timed gameplay

  • Pistol and equipment refills automatically after a set time

  • All doors are timed and require no points to open

  • points come only from bonus points powerups

  • use points to buy attachments and ammo only

  • Custom weapons from various CODs

  • Custom made perks

  • Custom made powerups

  • Objective based gameplay



Zombie San Cristobal

Zombie San Cristobal

The 4 heroes are back, now they traveled to the year 2020, in a city that is going to be destroyed due to the zombie infestation, your mission is leave this city before the nuclear missile hit it.

The map is based on the city where i live, but in 5 years in the future, i really love this map that i make with i think is a pretty good detail(no cube hitman  :please: ).
I cant remember the day that i go outside my house start to take photos to that part of my city, of course i change it a little bit due to some radiant problems and more stuff, but i think its %80 based on my city.

MW3 weapons
Harry Bo21 perks(waw,bo1 and bo2)
Some missions
Buyable ammo
1 new Powerup
Changed a few zombie sounds
Changed a lot of sounds(i hope you like it)
And more stuff
Problems bugs(stupid)
there is a bug where if you go down the game give you the colt instead of the usp.(i already fix this but it keep giving me the colt)
Sometimes when you are spectating a player the vision can change to black and white.
If you have fps drops, turn off the specular maps(RECOMMENDED) and shadows also turn off AA, all this is up to you, but i highly recommend to turn off the specular maps
Credit list
-Harry Bo21
If i forgot somebody please tell me.
Beta tester


Abandoned School

Abandoned School
Version: 1.02 By: JBird632

THIS MAP REQUIRES T4M TO PLAY. If you don't already have T4M download it below.

T4M Download

Abandoned School Patch 1.01:
– Prevented players from buying perks while they have the death machine powerup
– Mule Kick now removes 3rd gun on loss of the perk
– Door dropping down into hallway zone doesn’t skip rounds anymore
– Replaced double trigger door with a zombie traversal to prevent zombies from glitching
– Added Thompson, FMG, and Spas12 to Gungame
– Aligned Thompson’s ads – though the gun’s bullet shoots slightly lower than the iron sight
– Quickrevive machine completely disappears after 3 uses on solo
– Nerfed the Jetgun and Zomnado
– Packapunched wall weapons can now have ammo purchased normally
– Host should be able to use the mystery box now on a coop match
– Hintstrings can’t be seen through walls now
– Fixed some bushes that were see through

Abandoned School Patch 1.02
– Various easter egg bugs/issues fixed
– Hud added when player is holding an item
– Items now drop properly when the player is downed, killed or disconnected from the game
– Effect is now played on items that the player dropped to make them easy to find
– Fixed Crossbow, Titus and Semtex breaking the box and having a revive symbol
– Removed Feet from door shoulder anim
– Semtex ammo is fixed
– Reduced damage the scrake takes from electric cherry
– Teleporter Cool down changed from round based to time based (120 second cooldown)

Awesome Pieman – boss zombie, and general scripting help
Treminaor – menu and general scripting help
RadimaX – RadixhaX mirrors and RadihaX temple
Tom_BMX – lime, lemon and timed gameplay
Bluntstuffy – Raygun Mk2 effects

Beta Testers:
Awesome Pieman

What is the most locally available building in your neighborhood that has lots of supplies to barricade yourself in? A school of course!
Players will find themselves locked in a school that they thought would be secure… boy were they wrong.


Easter Egg

Dark mode powered by Night Eye