Nazi Zombie Junkyard V2

Nazi Zombie Junkyard V2
Version: 2 By: crackshot

nazi_zombie_junkyard is a map of a junkyard somewhere in the bfe in.  Its a decently sized map with plenty of buyable weapons, buyable blockers, plus many more.   The Ray gun is hidden somewhere in the map along with the Browning. Ray gun is hidden pretty well and as for the browning which isn’t so difficult to find.


I took out the buyable mg42, buyable ammo, and one electro shock defenses to make it harder. Fixed the zombie spawning problem how they get stuck at level 25 or so.  Heres my vid where i made it to wave 50 by myself with no zombie spawning problems.  Its a bit laggy bec of the video capturing.  



Nazi Zombie Rtd

Nazi Zombie Rtd
By: Rampage_619

Dempsey: Here we are guys the place Commander told us about.
Nikolai: this place looks deserted.
Dempsey: yes, the people who lived here evacuated this place for some reason. we are here to find that out.
Takeo: why is it always us, why not the other guys.
Dempsey: Commander trusts us more that anyone else.
Nikolai: Richtofen what are looking for.
Richtofen: here there is a hand print on the wall, i wonder what is that?
Nikolai: look at this radio we can call help from this radio
Takeo: guys i think we have company.
Nikolai: look at this electric current from nowhere.
( waaaah)
Dempsey: what the hell is that a human? good thing we shot it. hey doc take a look at this.
Richtofen: this is bad… this is bad i say. this is not a ordinary person, he has been mutated.
Takeo: get your weapons out we have more coming through this window.
Dempsey: we got only a couple here. Find the mystery box!!

Fight for life.

– Risers
– Electric and Fire zombies (credit goes for HOGRampage)
– Zappers
– Zipline
– Perk-a-cola
– Random Box
– Zombie Climbers

This is my first map so plz Go easy on me. hope you guyz like it. and there is a meteor in this map (looks weird but i tried)
Every hand print you see can help you.

I would love to thank all the members of for helping me to fix all my error and bring this map out successfully.



Nazi Zombie Chemplant

Nazi Zombie Chemplant
Version: 1.1 By: Nelwyn

Chemical Plant is a 10 story building with roof and basement access as possible last stand locations.

Features include:

All perks-a-cola machines with random effect
Flogger on roof
6 location magic box
Custom blockers
Electric zapper defense (reduced timer to 60 seconds from 90 seconds on SNN)
Lots of custom sound effects
Custom textures
Easter egg sounds with no hint trigger like SNN (Family Guy related)
Climbing zombies
Acid pool with Ray Gun buyable (need jugger to survive long enough)
All SNN weapons including Wunderwaffe
Panzershark XG-14 custom weapon (fires a slow shark for very high explosive damage, higher than ray gun – Limit 1 in magic box but also buyable)
Modified zombie script so there are more per level than in stock maps
You cannot use the ammo cheat on this. It will simply do nothing.


v1.1 Fixes include

Fixed jumping out window
Fixed game ending when falling off roof sometimes
Fixed magic box on level 2 having sideways weapons
Streamlined scripts and reduced size about 9 MB

Known issues:

You can see through some stairways
Black spots near mountains
No “alarm” sound when flogger or electric barrier is ready
No sounds for flogger
Muffled shooting sounds for Browning


Special thanks to all the beta testers who helped make this possible!

I hope you enjoy this release as much as I had making it. Feel free to add me on Xfire or friends list in the game as Nelwyn and enjoy my first release.  


Nazi Zombie Maze V2

Nazi Zombie Maze Pack
Version: 2 By: Wizzaed-Of_Ozz

Maze_v2 now consists of 3 Maps with the following

Maze – Modified Original:

33 Random walls that alter the maze
14 buyable weapons on the walls, they are randomly accessible.
3 Perks (Jugger, Revive and Sleight). They are Bottles that are in the wall.
1 Ceiling that comes down
Environmental Elements

Maze 2:

50 Random Doors opening and closing
Buyable Weapons
4 Perks (Jugger, Revive, Sleight and DoubleTap)
2 Spiked wall Rooms

Maze 3:

49 Random Locking Automated Doors
15 Teleport Pods
2 Toyboxes

Common Elements to both maps
Optional Round Based or Time Based
Random respawn points (not next to your buddy)
ZCT_Mod. (Zombies are Mean and Fast)
Custom Spawner FX
Difficulty Mod (On or Off)
True Zoned Spawning
Cannot Buy Ammo For Weapons
Increasing Weapon Slots As Rounds Advance
Nacht der Untoten, Verruckt and Shi No Numa Anims (except for SNN attacks)

You are dropped into the maze, all alone. Your friends are somewhere in there with you, do you want to hook up, or leave them to draw off the zombies?
You need to watch out, if moving objects hit you, they will hurt/kill you.
Perks are NOT using the Verruckt vending machines.
Hope you enjoy it as much as we did testing. If you notice something we missed or an idea, let me know.

[ZCT]Wizzard~Of~Ozz – Map Design, Scripting
[ZCT]X8105 – Custom FX, Spike room design (Map 2)
[ZCT]Ottawolf – Testing/Bug Hunting and Ideas




By: xnickx

Special Notes: Dropping in the ZCT Mod will not work for this map, as the mod.ff file is larger than the required maximum. To play this map with ZCT mod, download the _beta and then drop in the mod.ff.

This download is larger than some of the average because it has extra sounds that are custom added. If you want, you can remove these sounds from the .IWD file and make it smaller and saving space, but you won’t hear any custom music ingame.
Description: Campfire is a very close quartered map, with lots of foliage. The zombies come from all directions; North, South, West, East, and any other legitimate direction you can think of (besides vertically)!

It is prototype-styled and and therefore, somewhat basic.

Any questions, bugs, problems, etc, please post on the download page.

Special Thanks to:

HOGRampage – Co-op ranking, main menu editting, and some other scripting things.

vT-Ownage – General advice, skinning, misc

[ZCT]Titan – Crosshairs

[FaRT] Flame – Testing, misc advice/ideas, some custom sounds

[FaRT] Tom_BMX – Custom Sounds, testing

[ZCT]CoDMapper – Testing

[The]Sniperbolt – Testing, original idealist for custom sounds

[ZCT]xCHAOSx – Testing

hOly – Scripting _x stuff

If I missed anyone else or something that someone did, I apologize.

There are some glitches I am aware of (they will remain un-named, and if you find any, please PRIVATE MESSAGE ME!!!), and things to fix still, and they will be in the next version, which will be the final version!!!



Nazi Zombie Bunker

Nazi Zombie Bunker
By: wgmaddog


The map takes place under ground there are 5 areas on the map. this just a beta map   you start out above ground and work way down and threw other zones on the map there are  no zappers. the pack of punch is there and teleporters or there but to use the pack of punch you just need turn on the power. there or hell hounds on the map. like i said this just beta map.

ok i don’t know what happen to my map so i change the name form bunker to underground cause one people download was not the map i made. so here one i made



Nazi Zombie Doom 3x

Nazi Zombie Doom 3x
By: Gbomb

nazi_zombie_doom3x is a large scale zombie map. From my original maps Doom and Doom2, the German warehouse is once again being ravaged by the zombie hordes! Although the name is the same the map is totally changed. I’ve added lots of new features to keep it crazy. All new playing areas to open and explore. Doom3x offers all the best features of Der Riese.

* All Der Riese sounds.
* Pack a Punch
* Mainframe and 3 teleporters to hook up.
* All four perks
* Lots of hell hounds.
* Lots of un-lockable rooms and doors.
* Monkey Bombs and Bowie knife.
* Easter eggs
* Moving weapons box.
* Bouncing Betty.
* Lots of special effects and more!
* Cheat protection not enabled, you’ll probably need them!

The Storyline:

You’ve been sent to investigate a German warehouse where strange things seem to be going on! It seems the meteor has been relocated to this facility and due to the powers of this cosmic rock, the Germans have yet again become flesh eating lunatics! It’s up to you and your small team to stop this infestation of the undead.

The mission:

Work your way through the German warehouse and if you can survive long enough, find your way to the weapon rooms and random chests. If your lucky enough to make the PaP machine, you’ll be able to upgrade your weapons for a cost. From here it would be a very good idea to link the teleporter to the mainframe, you’ll need the escape route as the zombie waves increase! Pick the right doors to open and you’ll find weapons and defenses to support your battle. Choose wrong and new entrances will open and help lead to your demise. As always, Good Luck!!



Nazi Zombie Construction

Nazi Zombie Construction
By: Vendetta

Kill the undead in a haunted, deserted construction site. After going through the construction site, head through the tunnels to a newly constructed building, with a last stand area.

Map features:
Electro shock defense
Random Perks
Moving Magic Box
Full SNN Sounds
Hell Hounds (They stop after level 13  )
Anti – Cheat Measures

Map bugs / problems:

Hell hounds are kind of glitchy and occasionally get stuck, that’s why I only have them go to round 13.

NOTE: When someone respawns after dying (at intermission after a round is complete) they will spawn with no gun, I have written a script which gives them 2 pistols within 4 seconds, so don’t panic if you don’t see a pistol right away.  —- Also, at the end of the game the “Gave player pistol” messages come up, ignore that, they are pointless at that point  . (This script won’t replace any weapons!)

The random crash that happened in my zombie saw map IS NOT in this map, meaning it DOES NOT CRASH (or at least
no beta testers could make it crash).

Any bugs / problems you find will be fixed and released after the Der Riese tools come out, I will be remaking this map with the new scripts

Hope you have fun!

Thx so much if you could, I hope this is better than my saw map  



Nazi Zombie Bonzai

Nazi Zombie Bonzai
By: RickB

You and your buddy’s have crash landed on a small Japanese island a disused base full of the undead,you start off in a small bunker only with two entrance’s so gaining points over your team mates is a must whilst in the small bunker because u will need the points for sure,after that u will need to work as a team.The map is a dr style map,when u die u respawn with no weapon but you can buy the second at the pap its not intentional just a slight problem,Good luck hope you enjoy.

* Bowie knife and monkeybombs
* Moving weapons box.
* Bouncing Betty.
* Teleporters
* All four perks
* Hell hounds
* jap & nazi’s zombie’s

Massive thanks to Gbomb for the zone setup and teleporter’s and fx, couldn’t of done it with out ya.



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