Plague Island

Plague Island
By: Noahst

alright folks, here it is! nazi zombies on plague island.

fight off unlimited zombies on venice’s most notorious haunted island: poveglia, where thousands and thousands of plague victims, and even healthy people were burnt in the panic of the black death. then home to a sanitarium, ran by a sadistic doctor early in the 20th century. Enjoy!

black ops, mw2 and mw3 weapons, thanks to Rorke over at cfg factory
soul boxes, thanks Bluntstuffy!!
black ops 1 and 2 perks, thanks to Bamskater33
thanks to Tom Crowley for all of his tools
and thank you to RamboBadass for his solo start button tutorial

Known Bugs:
-electric cherry is purchasable even when 4 perk limit has been reached, not sure why
-reward weapon only shows up at first soul box location ( the one by staminup). however, the powerup reward appears at whichever soul box you fill up last.
-you may lose a weapon when using mule kick and picking up the soul box reward weapon. sorry :( not sure of the cause. other then that, mule is 100 percent operational



Sicherer Hafen (Safe Haven)

Sicherer Hafen (Safe Haven)
By: Viperman9999

*Small Map – Building shaped, there are 2 sets of stairs and an entrance area. All perks are inside the building.
*Cant Train (Map made so you can stick together with your team, plus the map is to small for that)
*No doors
*4 OG Perks (No BO Quick Revive just the original)
*Buyable Ending – 60,000 points (Buyable Ending found in the “basement”)

Unique PAP upgrades for the following weapons:
Custom perk logos for all 4 (Thanks to BCW for showing me how to do that)
Praise my Allah (Tom_Bmx) for putting that end game trigger tutorial out there <3
Expect a part 2 of museum oki <3
Thank you everyone, and enjoy.

Please notify me of any problems you occur when playing. I will immediately try to fix and re-upload. Thanks again.



One Window Challenge Elite

One Window Challenge Elite
By: ogpubstomper

-Some black ops Perks
-Buyable ending(80,000 Score )
-shootable teddy easter egg
-Blundergat from bo2
-M60 and Aug from Bo1
-Custom perk guardian angel By F3ARxReaper666
-And final a bit of love and fun for the zm community and I would like to thank all of you for the tutorials and scripts otherwise this wouldn’t have been able to happen even though it only took me 3 hours to make and is only just a mess around map it still is all because u guys so thanks!



Psychopath Release

Psychopath Release
Version Final By: Joeycx

Beforehand Text:  Thank you all the members who helped me and contributed to this project.
Map’s Name: Crazy_Place (Not to be confused with the other map)

The Map Is A Direct Follow Up Of Verruckt, Patients Were Evacuated And Was Forced Out. Transported, Resided Here. Under The Horrible Conditions And Forced To Stay, Unable To Contact Anyone And Miles Away From Civilization. What Happens Here Stays Here.

Description Of Map:
This map is very heavily based on verruckt and nacht der untoten. Players who crave the feeling that verruckt offers might find this map fun to play. This map is more for players who have experience playing zombies and is designed to be difficult and challenging. The map is split in two with side A and Side B. The map also offers outside and inside playable areas. Players who are up for a challenge, gear up and play with 4 players on this immerse asylum experience! 

. All World At War Weapons
. All Guns Pack A Punchable
. 9 Perks With No Perk Limit, Buy As Many Lose As Many
. Lunar Lander Landing Areas
. The Map Is Split In Half, With 2 Sides But 4 Players Are All Together
. Ambience Is Present In This Map
. 4 Wonder Weapons
. Verruckt Experience With Der Riese Scripts
. No Big Easter Eggs, Just Small Ones Like In Verruckt
. Wonder Waffle And PHD Fixed
. An Experience Of Pressure And Caution At Every Step.

 While Playing Alone, Can Be Extremely Hard.
It’s Suggested To Play With Co-Op Players

Error’s And Known Bugs
– Zombie Spawns are irregular.
– Start Zone Zombies Sometimes Don’t move in those first 2 Barriers (Fixed In Version 1.1)
– Removed Barriers/Invis Zombies And Modified Guns (Fixed In Version 1.2)
– Added/Removed Guns, Decreased Lag, Added Camo, Fixed Minor Issues*Sound Fixed* (Fixed In Final Version)

: Find errors? Find Bugs? Find Glitches? Post below and if you can a picture so i can fix it!:

Troubleshoot. (Please make sure that you downloaded the updated version and reinstall it.)

*Power Guide*
-There are 3 power towers around the map that activates power. If you shot correctly it will display a cryptic message. 
-The power towers have a noticeable power surge which emits a sound.

*First Tower* – The easiest tower which is by the double barrel/lunar lander and can be shot by looking up at the tower and shooting it.
*Second Tower* – The next tower is behind the crane by the first tower. Its on the right side of the gate that needs power. It can be hard
shooting but stepping back a shooting can help.
*Third Tower* – The last and hardest to do power tower. The tower is located by the stg44 and second lunar lander. Its behind the gate and can be shot with a gun and grenade. Be careful cause the gate is not shoot able and it doesn’t send bullets on the other side, so stepping back a shooting can help.

– Once ALL are shot the message will appear “iies” and the door by the mystery box opens and power can be activated.

*Jugg Guide*
– Once the power is on, go to the power room and head down until you reach a gate door and buy it.
-It’ll lead you to the sewer, head down to the biggest area and there should be electric cherry and a teleporter pad.
– Link it and head to the elevator by the bar.
– Once upstairs, go to the room with speed cola and there should be a teleporter pad there.
-Link it and go back to sewer to head to jugg,

Special Thanks/Credit to all these wonderful people!
Zombiemodding- For all the wonderful tutorials and prefabs
UGX- for hosting a website where players can learn from
F3ARxReaper666- for answering my stupid questions and Beta testing 
Insane Falcon- For beta testing
Bamskater33- For his amazing scripts and efforts in exporting black ops scripts for us to use(Perks/Lunar Landers)
Terminaor- for amazing programs and scripts
Tom_BMX- amazing programs and model exports
zombie madness/rorke- Amazing gun models and scripts that make a game experience
Marsvinking- Scripts for elevator
Mappers United Wiki- my bible for mapping, thanks for fantastic scripts and tutorials
deper63923- for amazing prefabs
Smasher248-  For the wonderful scripts
HitmanVere- For Pap Camo, and sorry for the troubles lol.
And YOU for downloading my map :)




By: Niknokinater


Hello, all! I return to release the custom zombie map, Relic. I started this one month after Claustrophobia and remained dedicated to it until this very day, ensuring everything was acceptable. Once again, I hope it enjoyed to an extent, be it little or large (preferably large, of course) and do post videos! I do not care a bit if you are a small Youtuber or large; I love to watch footage of how others react to my content(*cough *cough; for bugs and glitches, I mean). The best of regards, Niknokinater!

Solo Command: map nazi_zombie_relic

-Custom Announcer
-Small Teddy Bear “Hide and Seek” Objective to unlock Pack-A-Punch
-Small cash piles around the map (Double Points does double them)
-Double Points doubles Nukes and Carpenters
-Immense texture blending and detail
-No heavy modding
-Wunderwaffe DG-2 no longer lowers max health when zapped
-Dogs, Risers, and functional zones
-The 4 original perks
-Japanese Zombies
-Ambient Sounds

Credits to MakeCents – Much scripting support
Credits to Jbird632 – Scripting support
Credits to Rvex – Ambient sounds tutorial



TMG Carnage

TMG Carnage
Version: Unfinished By: TMG Nukem

TMG Carnage 
Build Time 18 months + 
The design based with a COD4 feel around a town with a train yard running through it .
The aim is to have the player feel as if they are in a bigger area using surrounding buildings to set a scene following the standard linear flow i have stuck to in the past with a loop round . The players are flown in on a helicopter which is blown up as an intro to the map .The level uses a modified version of the power system from the TMG Alcatraz . only two generators used to power all the perks and PaP with edits to fuel consumption time and cost after feedback from the community . Custom weapon drops and all new weapons to World At War .Aspects of the level are purely made to improve my skills in certain areas ,something i try to do with each level i make .There is a custom Easter egg in the map for players to find and enjoy solving .



It’s Alive

It's Alive
Version: 1.0 By: rustyandme

You find yourself locked in a model home overrun with zombies. But that isn’t the weirdest part. The house is changing around you. How long can you survive in …  It’s Alive?

Get ready for a map unlike any other. The goal is the same — to survive, but the journey will be very different. This map took hundreds upon hundreds of hours to develop. It will give you a run for your money. 

–Credits included in parenthesis below–
House that changes every round
Black Ops Weapons (Rorke) – Every weapon has been modified
New Perk: Strength – You can buy this from the poster many times. Each time it increases your total damage by .5x. You only lose your strength when you die, not when you get downed.
Shareable box – If you don’t take your box weapon, when the lightning appears, anyone can take it
Fully-functional Double Tap 2.0
Self Revive in solo (UGX style)

Other Features:

Each player spawns with a random pistol
Zombie Counter (ZM Wiki)
Health Display
Solo Scoreboard (PROxFTW)
Zombies don’t double swipe
Zombies don’t grab you or stun you when you get hit
Zombies don’t gib – You cannot make crawlers
Blood Money (BluntStuffy)
Sprint meter
Survive rounds to unlock ending (tom_bmx)
Free Power-up every 10 rounds
Most guns have extended mags variants
Impact grenades
Max Ammo also refills your clip
2 Mystery Boxes at the same time
Mystery Box chooses weapon much faster
Custom Perk and Power-up shaders (Deadnaut)
Random solo characters (jei9363)
Custom Textures
Hit markers (PROxFTW)
Nuke gives 100 points per zombie killed
Custom Weapon HUD
Custom points display (UGX inspired)
Custom red “hurt” indicator
Starts with the power on
No Pack-a-Punch
Round change music
Game over music

… plus countless fixes to make the game function how you would expect

Thanks to all my beta testers. And special thanks to the following people who went above and beyond and gave me detailed feedback: ATOMICANT2000, mymomiscool, Jordin W, TRF Coast

Known bugs: If the map fails to load or you see a texture appear as white, close CoD and reload the map. Sometimes World at War fails loading part of the map.




Black Ops 2 Town Remake

Black Ops 2 Town Remake

Hello all, town is now available on call of duty waw. (a remake of the original black ops 2 town) [updated 06/05/2015]


bo2 weapon by : ElTitoPricus

Special thanks:


Tom (Tools)
ElTitoPricus (characters/weapons/voiceovers/zombies)
Nukem – TMG (stamin-UP perk machine and code)
DuaLVII (lava script)
SparkyMcSparks (lava script)
DidUknowiPwn (BO2 hud and font)
n123q45 (additional script help)
Bam’s (cherry perk)
Gunoftruth (blue eyes)
offthewall (galvaknuckles Script)
HitmanVere (BO2 Start – Hamr Weaponfiles – Round Soundalaises – General Help)
RDV-steviewonder87-BlunStuffy (help)

Good game : ) 

more screen visit :!town/c1bs9

Correction V.2:

-coop player model
-zombie dammage
-missile clip



Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica
Version 1.02 By: CanadianTyler

You are aboard the Battlestar Galactica. A space battleship on a quest to find Earth. All of a sudden three ships are picked up on DRADIS. It’s the Cylons. (Cylons are a race of robots that were made by humans, then turned against them. Red Alert can be heard throughout the ship. Admiral Adama gives the command to launch all the Vipers. After a few minutes all the Cylon ships are destroyed, and the Vipers return to Galactica. A short time later you hear screams. They’re members of your crew running at you. Something is not right, they are trying to eat you!! The Cylons must have somehow infected the crew.

You must destroy all 11 hidden Cylon spy devices 
Once done you will be able to buy the ending !

Lots of custom models
Zombie Counter
Black Ops Knifing
Buy-able Ending 35000

Treyarch – for making the game
ZOMB1E-KLLR – helpful tutorials
MakeCents – scripting the objective
                 – zombie counter
xSanchez78 – end game script
rdv              – Black Ops Knifing
ME!!!!!        – All custom models
Also thanks to all the staff and members of UGX for helping me out with all the questions I had :D



Dark mode powered by Night Eye